Dear Diary

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Hi my name is Harrianna 'Harry' James Potter and i am 11 years old. Over the past month my world has changed. I am a witch. As in a real magical being. Let's just start at the beginning.

When i was 15 months old i was left on the doorstep of the Drusley family. Petunia is my late mothers older sister. She has blond hair and a really long neck she uses to spy on the neighbours. Her husband is called Vernon. He is a big man with no neck at all. It seems Aunt Petunia makes up for his lack of neck with her own. Vernon works at Grunnings, a company for drills. He mostly spend his time showing of loudly to th neighbours in the street, just two months ago he was loudly showing of his new car. Dudley is their son who is in everyway his fathers double just with the blond hair of his mothers. He is known by the other kids as a bully and according to his parents can do no wrong. So this is my life with the walrus, the horse and the pig.

Early June is where everything started. It was my cousins birthday and as a treat his parents were taking him and his friend Piers ,who looks just like a rat in my opinion, to the zoo. I like every other time was to go to Mrs Figgs as i am a "Freak" in their eye and do not deserve to go. My day started normally. Wake up in my room, which convienently is the cupboard under the stairs, make breakfast, eat a slice of bread that Petunia and Vernon allowed me to eat and complete my chores. Dudley was complaining about his gifts. He got 36. that was one less then last year. Petunia promised to get him to more. And os ended my normal day. The phone rang. Mrs figg had fallen over one of the cats she owns and had broken her leg and couldn't take me. Considering the fact that i would supposedly burn down the house if left alone, or could ruin the car if left inside it they were forced t otake me alone which again had DUdley throwing around fake tears trying to get them to change their mind. Once Piers arrived we were of.

The zoo was better than i imagined. The Drusleys were forced to buy me an ice poll when they brought some for the boys and then later i actuallt got lunch. I loved the animals though i do admit that the gorrilas looked remarkably like Dudley except that they were not blond. It was all going great until we reached the reptial excibit. Whilst the others looked raound i was happily talking to a Boa constricor about the fact that it had never known it's parents and had never been to Brazil. Talking to a snake was not strange to me anymore as often strage things have happened. Like the time i accidently turned my teachers hair blue, or whne my hair grew back after Petunia thought to cut my hair of trying to control it. I had also accidently ended up on the schools roof aftre running from Dudley and his gang.

Anyway i was happily talking to the snake when Dudley decided to come over and hot me on the stomach. I was really mad and may have accidently released the snake on him. For the record i am not sorry. On the way hime Piers ratted me out on talking to the snake and i was punished. I was locked in the cupboard for a few weeks with very little food. I seem to have gotten of easy.

Once let out i hoped everything went back to normal. That appeared to be to mucht to ask for. A letter had arrived for me stating my cupboard in green ink. I, in an act of complete idiocy opened the letter in the kitchen and it was snached from my fingers by my uncle. This seemed to cause terror to fill my aunt and uncles eyes as they kicked both me and DUDLEY from the room and talked about stamping out the nonsense from within me. Whatever that meant. As the letter was worded to my cupboard they believed they were being watched and let me move into Dudleys second bedroom. Over the next few days more letters kept appearing until finally on Sunday Vernon snapped and bundled us all in teh car before driving away. It seem futile though as te letters followed. We eventually stoped at the coast were Vernon got us all into a boat out to the little shack on the island in the middle of the sea. MAD. We were in the middle of a storm. Counting down the seconds until my birthday someone knocked on the door.

Hagrid arrived. He was quite intidating. Giving me my letter he shouted at my relatives for not telling me anything about the fact that my parents were murdered by some deranged guy called Voldemort. 'i wonder if it is his real name? If it is i feel sorry for the guy. DO you think the T in his name is supposed to be silent and everyone has been saying it wrong?' Anyway Hagrids expalination fit better than the story my relatives came up with. Supposedly my mother was  a whore and my dad was an unemployed alcoholic. I even found out their names. JAmes and Lily. That explains my middle name.

Later that morning Hagrid took me to get my suplies after cursing Dudley with a pigs tail. Our first stop was Gringotts run by goblins. Griphook took us to my trust vault which was filled with gallons. We then stopped at another vault and retrieved a small grubby package which Hagrid said was top secret Hogwarts stuff and that i should not ask. Leaving me alone at Madam Malkins Hagrid went to the Leaky Cauldren to get a drink and i went to get my school robes. Inside i met the most annoying, consited little brat that reminded me of Dudley. He waas os rude asking about my parents and then faking sympathy as he found out they were dead then asked if they wer 'our kind' who raised this kid? He obviously wasn't raised well? After mentioning a game caleld Quidditch Hagrid arrived and i left. Our day followed with me getting my books andmy wand 'holly with phoneix feather'. I was left alone then with my tickect to get onto 9 and 3/4. 

I start school tomorrow and managed to get Vernon to agree to take me to the station. Aparently they are going to London tomorrow so they can remove Dudleys tail. They really shouldn't. It suit's him and is a great conversation starter. I have read through my schoo books as best i can but the Drusleys locked them up so maybe i can read them on the train tomorrow. I should go to sleep now.

Tomorro my life will change and hopefully i can make a friend. Maybe my life will get better.


Harry Jay

Almost first year student of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

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