Dear Diary

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I woke up extra early this morning. I guess i am just excited but i also feel kind of nervous. What if they made a mistake? What if they send me back? It's to hard to think about.

Uncle Vernon took me to the station today, not out of the kindness of his heart though. It turns out that Dudley still has that pigs tail and Vernon is taking him to londen to get it removed. He had to actually bribe Dudley with money to get him to sit next to me. That's definatly good prenting. 

Double checking i had packed everything i took my trunk to the car and we were off. I had already read most of my books for the year and i can honestly say i am looking forward to my classes especially potions. I wonder what classes my parents were good at. HMM. 

It didn't take very long before we arrived at the station and it was packed. I could barely see anything. NO i am not that short. Looking at my ticket i tried to see where the platform was as ,strangly, Uncle Vernon took my trunk and put it on a trolly. 

VERNON being NICE. to much to hope for. He got back in the car and drove of laughing leaving me there. 


What was i going to do? i tried to ask a adult about a train leaving at 11 which turned out to be no train at all. I was going to miss the train. I was really panicing now. 

Just as i am starting to cry. And yes i was about to cry. I heard a lady asking a young girl about the platform and followed them. It was a family of red heads and they seemed to be running at the wall....


the oldest one just vanished....

....the twins went next and just seemed to pass right through wall.


Seeing this as my chance i asked the lady if she could help me onto the platform and she instruted me to run at it. Wizards are crazy. Though me being me i decided to listen to the random stranger who was calling at the top of her lungs about the platform. Random women tells you to run at teh wall seems legit. What was i thinking trusting someone i just met. Thankfully she was right. Making it through the wall i went to get a carriage when the twin redheads i saw goinf through the wall approached me. They offered to help place my trunk on the shelf. They seemed to gape when i said i was Harrrianna Potter. Though i could have introduced myself better replying to their question of if i was Harrianna Potter with 'oh her..yes' was probably not my greatest moment. The twins, Fred and George as they introduced themselves, gaped at me before leaving to their mother. Well that could have gone better.

I got an compartment near where i could look at the twin boys and i couldn't help overhearing their conversation. There little sister, Ginny, as her mother called her, seemed a bit to excited at the prospect of meeting me- oh good what if shes one of those stalkers that my primary school talked about. Their mother seemed to believe that the twins would ask about the night my parents were killed- she told them not to, i hope they listne to her. The oldest redheaded boy cme towards tehm then. He is apprantly called Percy and is a prefect. The twins took great pleasure in teasing him. Ron was teh red head taht appeared my age- poor guy his elder brothers clearly are nightmare, not including Percy, from what i have seen so far and with what his mother did, wipping dirt of his nose, he may have just suffered social suicide. Oh dear.

Looking around i can see that the clock has finally turned 11 and many are saying tehir last goodbyes. The mother of the red heads called out to them. One of teh twins shouted to his sister that he would send her a toilet seat- his mother had previously given him the idea when she told teh twins not to cause trouble. The trains moving and i think i might take a nap.


Harry Jay

Harrianna James Potter: DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now