Dear Diary

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So there was a change in plans. I didn't end up taking a nap but I instead made a new friend. His name is Ronald 'Ron' Weasley the youngest of the red headed boys whose mother helped me get onto teh platform. The compartments were supposidly full  and he asked if he could sit with me. I could tell he was lying as he seemed nervous. I bet he sat with me as he had seen me before when his mother helped me through to the platform. And because I was Harrianna Potter. The twins arrived next. Fred, as I believe him to be, said that they, the twins, were going to see a friend of theres named Lee who had brought his pet spider on board the train, if we needed them for anything. George didn't talk but he smirked at Ron and me.

After getting over the akwardness once the twins left, Ron and I began talking about ourselves. We talked about my past with the Drusleys and how I had grown up not knowing that magic exsisted. He couldn't beileve it. He asked if I remembered anything about that night all those years ago. I wonder why he asked when his mother told him not to. Hmmm. Oh wait she only told the twins not to say anything. Clever Ron. I told him no. His reaction though when I said Voldemorts name was pretty wierd as he backed away in fear. Aparently the wizarding world does not say his name as they fear he will magically appear right in front of them. I wonder if he did. Hmm.

Anyway we also talked about Ron and his family and trust me there was a lot to talk about. Rons family is made up of nine people. NINE. His father works in the ministry in the department  called the misuse of muggle artifacts whereas his mother is a stay at home mum. He has two older brothers outside of hogwarts William 'Bill' who works as a cursebreaker for gringotts bank and Charles 'Charlie' who works with real life dragons in Romania. Wow both of those jobs seem exciting. Anyway then theres Percival 'Percy' who is in his fifth year and wants to work in the ministry, the twins Fredrick 'Fred' and Georgian 'Geaorge' who are in third year and pranksters, then comes Ron and finally the only girl Ginevra 'Ginny' who will be starting hogwarts next year. I got from this conversation that Ron feels mostly overshadowed by his brothers and sister and is the one who mostly ends up with second hand stuff, for example his wand once belonged to his brother. I remeber the conversation that Mrs weasley had with her children just before they got on the train. Instead of buying Percy new robes she probably should have bought Ron his own wand as I recall Mr Olivander claiming that the wand chooses the wizard and clearly this wand hadn't chose Ron.

When the trolly lady came round I got to try a few of the wizarding sweets like Bertie Box Every Flavour Beans. And yes they do mean every flavour, Ron got sprouts eww. I also tried a Chocolate Frog. They are chocloate shaped in the form of a frog and are spelled to have one big bounce in them before they become still. The chocolate also comes with collectable cards. Mine was Dumbledoor. Just as Ron explains this to me I noticed that Dumbledoor was no longer in his picture. Aparently not only do the wizarding pictures move they can also leave their pictures.

Our trip wasn't all peaceful though. We meet several people on the train ride and a few stood out. We met one boy, Neville Longbottom' who was looking for his toad Trevor who had seemed to have run away. Once we told him we hadn't seen him he left only to be replaced by a girl called Hermione Granger who also  asked about the toad. She did not give us a good impression. She was rude and very condesending and it looked like she didn't even need to breath for her words just came tumbling out in big chuncks of speech. Once she found out who I was she keep baraling of about facts she had learnt about me in wizarding text books. Most of the information was false. Don't the wizarding world have laws against using minors in stories and talking about said miners in the news. Apparently not. She even insulted Ron, who I will admit probably should have known better than to trust his brothers, when he tried a spell on his pet rat, his name is Scabbers,  which was supposed to turn him yellow. It didn't work.

With Hermione gone we then had a third visitor Draco Malfoy. It was the boy I had met at madam malkins. He was so rude he talked down on Ron and his family and then, once he realised I wanted nothing to do with him, he insulted my DEAD parents. I mean who does that. Scabbers saved the day though when he bit one of malfoys goons, Crabbe and Goyle, on the finger and they ran for it.

The rest of the trip flew by. We briefly talked about the Gringotts breakin which was in the news. Why someone wanted to make enemies of the goblins I will never know. Nothing was stolen but the fact someone got in and out has startled everybody as it has never happened before.

We had to change into our robes in the compartment before we arrived at the station. Hagrid greeted us and brought the rest of the first years towards the boats near a really big and black lake. Everything was silent untill we saw the castle. It was huge and shone in the moonlight. The turents went up into the sky and the huge gates loomed over us. I cant beileve we actually get to to live in this castle for the next seven years. As we landed at the gates Nevilles toad was found and given back to Neville. As we waited Hagrid walked up the steps and knocked on the gates.

It's late now and I haven't even talked about the sorting yet. Luckily tomorrow is a day off as the teachers allow teh students this day to get organised with what  they have when they unpack and to find out what they have forgotten. I'll have to write more tommorow as Hermione Granger is glaring at me as I still have not turned of my wands light. Lumos is the spell for this and is mentioned in my charms book.

Well Goodnight

Harry Jay

First year student at Hogwarts

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