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I walk into the school building in the usual, a t-shirt, jeans, and converse. I walk towards my locker and open it. I grab my books and head towards class. Then trouble arrives. Jennifer Woodson and the rest of her group walk towards me. Swaying their hips and their hair flowing behind them. I look at the ground and move out of the way.
"Ella, dear. Can I have my math work?" Jennifer asks. I hand it to her and she takes it.
"Thank you. Oh and tomorrow I need my English done? I'll give it to you during lunch." She says. I nod. She snaps and her and her group walk away. I stand there for a minute. My friend Bradley walks towards me.
"Ella I thought you said you stopped doing their homework." He says. I look at him.
"I did but..." I start.
"They started being mean again? Yeah I figured they would. C'mon we are gonna be late." He says. We walk towards class. I pull out my book and read. My day goes on like that. Having done all my work early. I walk out of the school building and head home. I open the front door and walk inside.
"Ella. Someone called for you." My mom says.
"Really? Who was it?" I ask.
"Someone named Colleen." She says. I smile and run up to my room. I call her back.
"Colleen!" I say when she picks up.
"Hey Ella!" She greets. Colleen has been my best friend since Preschool. She is drop dead gorgeous and popular and the total opposite of me. She has black hair, grey eyes, and she is just perfect. I have blonde hair, and blue eyes, and I'm not perfect. We talk for a while and she tells me about this America's Next Top Model show that she watches.
"I want you to be on it with me." She says.
"Me?" I ask.
"Yes you. C'mon you always talk about being famous. Why not model? You'd be really good at it and if you beat me I won't care." She says.
"Fine." I say.
"Yay!" She yells.
"When do we tryout?" I ask.
"We just signup on their website." She says.
"I'll signup now I guess." I say.
"Okay. Call me when you finish filling it out and before you submit it." She says.
"I will." I say hanging up. I get on y laptop and get on their website and look for the signups. I read what they look for and fill it out.
Real name: Ella Hopewell
If wanted fake name: Rachel Foster
Age: 17
Height: 5'8
Weight: 96
Hobbies: Reading.
Any experience: Nope.
Have you watched this show?: Nope.
What do you think of it?: Idk.
Do you have what it takes to be America's Next Top Model?: Umm... No?
I call Colleen and tell her what I put. She laughs.
"Seriously? You only like to read?" She asks.
"No." I say.
"What else do you like to do?" She asks.
"I like to draw, paint, sing, dance, and design." I say.
"Then put all that down." She says. I put it down.
"Tyra Banks is a judge." She says.
"Oh my gosh. Really?" I ask.
"Yup. Sure is." She says.
"Can I send it?" I ask.
"Yeah." She says. I close my laptop.
"I'll call you when I get a response." I say.
"Ok. Love you." She says.
"Love you too Colleen." I say hanging up. I laugh and go to bed.

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