Chapter 1: The Treatment

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AN // In this time in the story, Lana hasn't seen Wendy in a few weeks and the ETC has made Lana forget about Wendy, Lana has been in the sanitarium for a little while but the ETC erased most of her memory. I know this isn't really how ETC works but it will impact the way the story develops. I also changed a few things in this chapter and plan to continue writing new ones from here on out!

The dim light shines through the stained glass windows, waking Lana from her sleep. She goes to rub her eyes when she realized her hands were strapped down to the table she was laying on. Just as she wakes up a dark, rather slim figure unlocks and opens the door causing an awful screeching noise from the rusty hinges. Lana winced, only to realize sharp pains surging through her head. The pain faded as the figure invites herself in. Lana blinks her eyes to try and become more aware of her surroundings but still can only see vague shadows.

Lana did not have any more time to think because the once distant figure was now at her side. "Hello there, how was your slumber?" Lana could not for the life of her remember who this person was. Her memory was foggy but Lana was trying hard to remember who this woman with the somewhat seductive voice was.

She admired the figure's chocolate brown eyes, it was clear to her now that she had been conversing with a woman. a nun of sorts. Her head had another piercing pain which interrupted her thoughts and brought her back to reality. "Ms. Winters, do you know where you are? Or who I am...? Do you remember anything?

 She finally caught Lana's attention, Lana ever so slightly shakes her head no, and the woman began to speak again. "Your name is Lana Winters... Ms. Lana Banana" Lana tried to speak but was interrupted. "Mustn't speak, you will experience severe pain, please let me finish. You are currently residing at Briarcliff Sanitarium, where you will be residing for a while. I'm Sister Jude, the head of management here and my goal is to cure you, break you free from your Gynephilia. Together we can beat this monster inside of you. You are to refer to me a Sister Jude and nothing more, understand?"

Lana just stared into Sister Jude's eyes, she yet again seemed to lose herself in the women's features. Jude had a small curl of blonde hair sticking out of her coif bouncing on her forehead with every sway or shift. Lana was fixated on Jude's body movement, how she carried herself.

 "I am happy to say your Electro Conversion Therapy seems to have been proven a success. You may have some hallucinations for the next few hours and slight pains (which Lana has already experienced) but you'll soon be back to normal in no time at all." Sister Jude said with a grin. There was a side in Jude that found pleasure inflicting pain on Lana and Lana knew it. But for Lana, that only made the feelings for Jude stronger and more alive.  Lana felt conflicted with  Sister Jude but suppressed those feelings at the moment.

"I will check back in on you later, go back to sleep you need your rest." Sister Jude said as she walked through the rusty doorway and locked the door behind her. Lana lay by herself, listening to the faint dripping of old pipes and screams of other patients. Oh, how she wished she could have said something - anything to Sister Jude. She had so many questions, and she wanted to look into those eyes one more time.

okay, this is my first fanfic ever so it will get better as it progresses, sorry for the short chapter! I hope you like it so far :)

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