Prussia x Reader

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Dedicated to: MinecraftOtaku

You were headed over to your friend Ludwig's house, and to be honest you were nervous. Because you had a crush on his older brother Gilbert, and today you were going to ask for help from the blond German.

You arrived at the house and knocked on the door. Ludwig opened the door with his usual expression. "Oh, _____."

"Hey Luddy, is Gil home?" "Neine, he just left."

You nodded. "Good, there's something I need your help with."

"Alright, come in." He said leading you back to his office. He had an idea it was more advice on Gilbert. He had been helping you as much as he could, considering that he himself is terrible with that kind of stuff. Besides he has been helping you ever since you had told him about your crush.

The both of you sit down across from each other. "So, what was it that you needed this time?" He asked politely.

"I think I'm finally going to tell him."

"Ok, that's good."

"But I want to say 'I love you' in German. I think it'll show that I'm serious, and make it more meaningful."

Ludwig nodded. "Sounds like a plan, but when are you going to tell him?"

"This Saturday, Francis, Antonio, Gilbert, and I are going to the movies. And Francis and Toni said they would ditch early, so I could tell him."

Germany nodded seeing how the plan could work. "Ok, so to say I love you in German, is fairly simple."

You nodded.

"Ich, liebe, dich." He said prouncing each word carefully for you.

"Ich, liebe dich." You tried to repeat.

"Close, when you say 'dich' it kind of comes from the back of your throat."

You were determined to get this right. "Ich liebe, dich."

"Good, try one more time."

"Ich liebe dich."

He smiled and nodded in approval. "He's definitely going to be surprised."

~(POV switch to Gilbert)~

I can't believe I left Toni's football (soccer ball) at home. And I was already half way to his house.

I was headed towards my room, which I have to pass my little brother's office, where I heard _____'s voice. "Ich liebe, dich."

What? I peeked in the room. She was with Ludwig.

I ran off to my room. And sat down on my bed.

_____ loves Ludwig?

Uh, whatever gave me the thought that I even had a chance.

Ludwig is smart, strong, well disciplined, serious.

I should be lucky she at least considers me her friend.

I grab the soccer/foot ball, and as I look down at it I notice some droplets of water on the spear. I look up at my mirror. I... Was crying?

~(timeskip to Saturday night and POV switch back)~

You were standing outside the theater with Spain, waiting for France and Prussia to get here.

"So you're going to tell him right after the movie?"


"Alright then we will take off in France's car and leave the two of you here. But you better tell us how it went chika!"

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