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Baekhyun was ecstatic when he stepped out of his dorm room that morning. He couldn't believe his luck – he was probably the luckiest twenty-year-old guy in the whole world right now. First, he managed to get into the university where she was currently ruling at. Second, she didn't seem to recognize him at all after four years. And lastly, just last night, he found out about her secret.

He barely had any sleep last night, thinking of all the ways he could do to her with what he knew; all the possible things he could do to exact his revenge on the wicked girl who made his life miserable. She turned him into this bloodthirsty man that he was right now, and the only thing that could satisfy this thirst was for her to go down like how he did before.

Soon enough, he was out of the dorm building and continued to walk briskly towards his destination. She might be there already but he couldn't care less. She needed to learn first who had the upper hand.

Baekhyun could hear the soft sighs and impish giggles as he passed by some females on his way. Even some males turned to look at him. Well, what could he say? Looks and charisma could get you anywhere in this world – not to mention his above average intelligence which was his pass that enabled him to get to that school. Those four years that he spent to improve himself weren't such a waste, but he did all those just for one goal in mind.

He just got inside the arts and sciences building when someone called his name. He turned around and saw a slim and short girl with reddish hair making her way towards him.

"You're here early, Baekhyun." She spoke in a velvety tone before stopping in front of him, just a few inches distance between them. "Up for some morning exercise?" Her voice was suggestive as she whispered.

Baekhyun racked his brains for a moment and tried to remember who this girl was. He was thankful that his memory served him right so he was able to pick out the girl's name. "I'm in a hurry for something right now. Maybe next time, Sora." Or never at all.

She looked quite disappointed but quickly recovered with a sly smirk. "You seem to be eager for that something. Oh well, just call me anytime." She winked at him flirtatiously before she spun on her heel, making sure that Baekhyun would take notice of her nice ass as she trotted away.

He snorted mentally. He shouldn't have hooked up with her at a party last week. Well, he was so frustrated at a particular someone that time so he just grabbed some random girl. At first, it was amusing how girls would throw theirselves at him willingly but then it got annoying so he wished they would just leave him alone. Besides, he would soon be getting the attention that he wanted the most.

Baekhyun climbed the stairs to get to the third floor of the building. It was deserted because most classes there would be starting later in the afternoon. He walked at a leisurely pace until he reached the fourth vacant room to his right where he would be meeting her.

The door was slightly ajar so Baekhyun peeked inside first to see if she was there already. A smirk made its way to his face when he spotted her standing just beside the window. She had his back on him but he could feel her seething in anger. She tapped her foot impatiently, probably furious at his insolence to make her wait.

He tried to come in quietly so he could surprise her with a snarky greeting but her senses were too sharp for his liking. She spun around quickly and sent him a murderous glare. "You're three minutes late, you insolent creature."

If he was still the same guy from four years ago, her insult would probably make him cower away but he was a different guy now. It just made his smirk more malicious. "I never said I would come on time." He slipped his hands inside his pockets as he went closer to her.

Seo Yoojin's scowl deepened as he neared her. Then, she suddenly whipped her phone out and showed it to his face. "What is this? How did you know about this?" She demanded. "I swear I'm going to kill you if –"

"If what, Seo Yoojin? If I spread your little secret to everyone, which could damage your reputation?" He taunted. "Now, we don't want that to happen, do we?"

"What do you want from me?" She hissed. "Do you want money? Recognition? What are you playing at?"

"There's just one thing I want.." In a flash, his face was just inches away from hers, causing her to take some steps back. But Baekhyun was quick enough to grab her waist with both hands and flush her body against his. She stared at him with wide eyes, scandalized at how casually he held her. He neared his lips on her right ear and breathily whispered, "You."

He wasn't surprised when she planted her palms on his chest and harshly shoved him away. "How dare you to put your dirty hands on me?" She sputtered indignantly. Baekhyun almost laughed at how red her cheeks were. So the tyrant could blush. Interesting.

"You're flustered." He stated with a sneer.

"I do not get flustered!" Yoojin retorted viciously. "Your request is impossible. I would never dream of handing myself to a worthless creature like you."

"I was just teasing you, anyway." He gave her a once-over. "You're not even my type."

Yoojin's nose flared, looking like she wanted to stab him multiple times. "What did you –"

Baekhyun quickly cut her off because he knew it insulted her the most. "Don't worry, I won't tell your secret to anyone." He was suddenly in front of her face again, but this time, he snatched her wrists and instantly pinned her to the wall. It was a way to show his power over her and he indulged on those flashes of incredulity and defiance on her black orbs. "In fact, I want to help you."

He wasn't sure if it was his sudden proximity or her fury but her face turned a deeper shade of red. "L-let go of me." He heard the slightest tremble on her voice and it made him smirk even more. Funny how she was at his mercy right now. "And what help are you talking about? I don't need your help!"

"Trust me, Seo Yoojin, you do." He inched his face closer so that their lips almost brushed against each other. "Now, let's go over the terms, shall we?"

- END –


A/N: Just a teaser before the actual first chapter because you guys might wait longer. lol. I want to finish Turning Page first before concentrating on this one and my Jongin fic. Hihi. I'm too lazy to proofread so if there are any mistakes, I apologize. :)))


So how was it? I hope it wasn't lame (because I think it is OTL). Mind sending me some comments and votes? Kkkk~ Thanks so much for reading! Saranghaeyo~

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