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They managed to escape the hotel without being seen by the minister's men. Baekhyun went to check out first while he instructed Yoojin to get to his car at the parking lot. Thankfully, there weren't much people in the hotel so it wasn't hard to move about. He just hoped that the minister won't check his CCTV cameras too soon.

About some minutes later and they were already speeding away from the place. No one said anything for awhile as Baekhyun focused on the road while Yoojin was engrossed with her thoughts. Perhaps she was thinking about the hasty decision she made earlier of accepting Baekhyun's offer. Baekhyun scoffed mentally, finding things a little too predictable. Yoojin might be the daughter of everything evil but she was just like every other girl; just save the damsel from her distress and she'd be falling into your arms.

"Do you want to go back to the dorm?" Baekhyun was the one to break off the silence.

"Is there anywhere you can drop me off for awhile? I don't really feel like going home yet." Yoojin sounded tired when she spoke, all traces of the arrogant girl inside her were nowhere to be heard. What happened to her back at the hotel must have shocked her.

He suddenly remembered that he was supposed to invite her to a party that night. He debated with himself whether he should take her there or not, considering her state at that moment, but immediately stopped thinking because he shouldn't – didn't – really care where she preferred to be or not. He should be the one taking in charge.

Good thing they were near Myeongdong so took a swerve to the left as he saw the sign. Yoojin jumped on her seat at the sudden change of direction and whipped her head to look at Baekhyun with a frown. "Where are we going?"

"Some nice shopping store. You don't want to get outside with only that ripped dress and my jacket, do you?" He quickly glanced at her as he answered. Soon enough, he was pulling over at a random shop and was about to get out of the car when Yoojin stopped him.

"Where are you going?" She sounded a bit nervous when she asked, as if she was scared to be left alone.

Baekhyun tried not to roll his eyes at her. "I'm going to get you some clothes to wear. We're going to a party. Stay here." He got out and closed the car door before she could even answer. He made his way inside the store and looked for a dress for her to wear. He never bought clothes for a girl before so he didn't really know what to pick. Well, Yoojin just needed to cover herself so he grabbed a random dress and paid for it.

He went back to his car outside and got in. Yoojin gave him a questioning gaze as he handed the paper bag to her. "I'll just park in somewhere private so you can go and change your clothes here in the car."

There was a nearby mall and Baekhyun went in to the underground parking area. "I think this place is fine." He said as he stopped the engine and leaned against the car seat. He noticed that Yoojin wasn't doing anything so he turned to look at her. "Why aren't you dressing up?"

Yoojin glared at him. "Are you expecting me to undress myself with you inside here?"

"Is that such a big deal?" He asked with a smirk.

The scowl on her face deepened. "Get out, Byun Baekhyun."

He just snorted. "I was just messing with you. You better hurry up. I don't like waiting." He got out of his car as Yoojin started wearing the dress he bought. His back was turned in case she would accuse him of peeping at her, which was impossible since his car was tinted and he couldn't see anything from the outside. He knew he should be acting nicer around her if he wanted to gain her trust but sometimes he couldn't help being rude. He hated her, after all. Hate, huh?

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