Michael Vey Headcanons 1

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Hey guys! This is mostly a filler chapter. I am working on The Time Traveler I Know Part 2 but I had these, and promised you guys some fanfiction. This is it and I love all of these. You can see more on my Instagram account @michael_veyniac . Also for the first Headcanon, listen to the song above. Enjoy!

Headcanon 1
Imagine it being the 3rd Michael Vey book. Michael and Tessa are running through the jungle when Wonderwall by Oasis starts playing. Tessa throws Michael meaningful looks but Michael is oblivious to it. they climb into the carved out canoe, and bunch in together. all this does is make Michael think about Taylor. He smiles. so does Tessa. only, Tessa thinks he's smiling and thinking about her. They lay there together both thinking about someone they love.

Headcanon 2
Michael Vey was 4 years old when he started school. He was in Pre-K at a local school in California. He was sitting with all of his little friends at his table in the corner. He was given the best table in the whole classroom after shocking three of the biggest kids in the room, so small of a shock it felt like static, proving he had superpowers. They named him king, even giving him a paper crown made by a little girl named Cassy. A little girl with dark hair that creeped Michael out just a bit, walked up to the table, and sat next to the king himself. All the kids jaws dropped. "You dare sit next to the king?" Cassy asked. "Yeah," the girl said. Michael kept his mouth shut. Not only because the girl creeped him out, but also because he felt as if she belonged. "My name," the girl said and kicked her feet up on the table, "is Nichelle. Queen of the table."

Headcanon 3
James Hatch always sat at the back of the classroom to avoid people. The people never avoided him. There always seemed to be people behind him. Mocking him for being, "better than them," as he puts it. He walked in late one day. he got the usual stare down, everyone looking at him like he killed someone. He smiled and said, "The class will finally be smart now that I'm here." The thing was, he wasn't being funny. He wasn't trying to break the ice. He meant it. And all of the kids new that he believed it. Some of the kids shouted out curse words at him. It barely affected him anymore. The teacher stormed up to him. "James! You do not say anything like that." She grabbed his arm "Everyone in here are as smart as you. You are equal to them." She gestured to the rest of the class. She's just trying to make them feel better, he thought. They are dumb, stupid, and weak. They will never live up to me. And there he was. 9th grader James Hatch. Hasn't changed a bit.

Headcanon 4
Ian started school in kindergarten. His parents didn't think he needed to go the Pre-K. When he started school he was doing fine. Some of the kids thought he was a wizard when he kept Predicting things to happen. Like when someone would walk into the room. He had a good reputation. Everyone loved him, which only made it harder when he had to leave. He couldn't see the colors like the other kids. That's because he's electric. The sad thing is, his parents didn't know that. They thought the school was doing a bad job, and that they could do better. Ian ended up being homeschooled. His parents tried so hard to teach him the colors that he eventually figured out what usual objects colors are. Like an a Apple is red or grass is green. He continued this for about a year until his parents figured out he was lying. They yelled and he cried. "I just don't understand. I see things different than all of my friends. I didn't know what to do." He ran out of the house and sat in the grass and cried. That was when the Elgen caught him. He was dragged into the van, wailing and crying. He never knew what happened to his parents. If they were even alive. When he got to the Elgen, he finally felt normal. All the kids were different them him of course, but they were also the same. Ian thought the Elgen was his savior. It wasn't. It never was and it never would be. He denounced them the moment that he was thrown into purgatory. He was lonely. He thought he was going insane until someone else was thrown in there with him. McKenna. Then Abigail. He had a family again. In his heart he knew he would be okay.

Headcanon 5
Taylor knew something was wrong with Michael. It seemed like he was always nervous, ticking more than usual. After the Elgen was taken down, there was a period where everyone was happy. Michael more than others. Everybody got used to their new lives and the over whelming happiness faded to a normal level, but Michael's went down all the way. Taylor could tell he tried to act happy for her but she knew it was a lie. The thing that haunts Taylor's mind is how to confront him. After school one day they came home to Michael's apartment. they started to talk about school. Michael seemed absent. His eyes seemed sad and he would give short answers too everything she said. She figured that now was the best time to ask about it. It grew silent for a moment, and Taylor was about to open her mouth when she saw a tear run down Michael's face. She grabbed his shoulders and said his name. She searched his eyes for anything. All she saw was sadness. She pulled him into a hug as he broke down and cried. "I-I killed so many people," he said quietly. "Even if they were on the bad side it's still horrible. we gave Nichelle a second chance. Tara, Quentin, and all the bad glows but I never gave them a second chance." Taylor didn't know what to say. she was quiet a moment. "The difference between them and the people we forgave is that, the ones we forgave choose once they saw the right side. All the other people lived in the right side for their whole childhood. some more than that, yet they liked the evil more." She grabbed Michael's face. "You did the right thing, like always. Don't forget that." He buried his head in her neck and she held him while he cried.

Headcanon 6
Michael was dieing. But not of anything heroic like he almost did thousands of times. This time it was of old age. He lay in the hospital bed like he had been for days. His Taylor sat next to him in a plastic blue chair. His regret wasnt that he was dieing, it was that he was leaving her. His pride and joy in the world. Taylor. The only happiness he was brought was of seeing his mother again. His father, Wade, Tanner, and Gervaso. Also the few other Electroclan members. Jack and Zeus were up there. 'They'll see me soon!' he thought and chuckled, which only led to coughing. Taylor got up and slowly lied next to him. She had changed so much over the years, but god he loved her. She still looked as beautiful as ever. His mind drifted over to their Prom. It was one of the best nights he head ever had. It was over 60 years ago, but he still remembered it like it was yesterday. He assumed that was because Taylor was there. She always seemed to brighten his memory. He remembered when they stayed at Mitchell's house, he remembered their first kiss at the academy. he remembered climbing the tower and thinking he was gonna die. He remembered how his life flashed before his eyes. That was nothing compared to now. He felt like all the memory's were one big memory. He didn't want to let it go but it was to late. he was losing consciousness. He needed to get some messages out before it was too late. "Tell Ostin I love him," he said weakly to Taylor. He bumped her fist weekly. "Do that to him. Tell him I s-said bones even though I said I wouldn't do that anymore. Tell him he is the Smartest person I've ever met. Tell him he is a freaking genius. T-tell the others that without them, I would have died long ago. Say they are the best friends I have ever had. Say that I love them." He looked deep into her eyes. "And you Taylor." He stopped. "You are my everything. Without you, I-I would be lost. I, without a doubt, could never loved someone more than I love you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much, that it hurts." a tear ran down her cheek. "I love you too Michael," Taylor said. "I'll be with you soon. And do me a favor and tell Hatch I forgive him." he smiled. "Ha, in your dreams woman." she smiled. "Fine then give him a good shocking, And if you can't do that punch him." He laughed slowly until he didn't anymore. Right before he passed he felt a light pressure on his lips then saw his Taylor for the last time. Everything turned dark.

That's it my friends. Comment ideas and I'll try my hardest to do them. I'll do Michael Vey and Percy Jackson fanfictions and originals as well.

Tootles my friends


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