That One Day

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Hey guys! So I haven't posted in a while and I thought I should post this since I already wrote it at school. Mark this as a celebration for summer finally being here. Yay!! Sorry it's kinda short. And the ending is really cheesey. This is actually a true story. I don't remember a lot because of the simple fact that I was 5 but it's true. And the last part is true too. The cheesy part. Anyhoo like and comment.
It was a nice day.  It was summer, so me and my family swam in our pool all day.  A mix of laughing, splashes, and the loud barking of our dogs.  At some point, we went inside to eat dinner. Hamburgers and macaroni and cheese made by, yours truly, and my Mom.  My brother and my dad didn't help, as usual. My Dad came to eat, then he was gone.
    Everything felt happy and full of energy.  We could not stop laughing. It seemed impossible to break our happy moods.  I helped my Mom clean off the table while my Brother, Nicholas watched.
Lazy, I thought.  
My Mom started to walk upstairs to watch TV.  I decided to go up stairs with her. So did my Brother.  He threw me one of his evil smiles and started to chase me around the house.
 “Nicholas,” I screamed. “STOP!” I started screaming so my parents would come help me, but they were used to this.  They would never come down.
“Kendall,” he said sternly. “Shut up.” He didn't have the right to boss me around, he was only a few years older than me.  Although, I was only five.
 “NO,” I yelled in protest.  I didn't even know why I was running.  What was he going to do if I stopped? I didn't want to find out so I continued to scream and ran up the stairs and into my brothers room, slamming the door behind me.  Then I ran over to my mother who lay on my brothers bed flipping through the channels on the remote. I crammed next to her and buried me head in the mattress. I hate Nicholas.  
    I took this time before Nick came in here, to study my surroundings.  My Brothers room was twice as big as mine. One side complete with a huge bed and a tv, and the other cluttered with legos, nerf guns, and toy dinosaurs.  The room was indeed messy but I never viewed it that way. It wasn't any worse than my room so I never considered it messy, until someone stepped on a lego.  But to me, It was just Nicholas's room. Just then my brother calmly strolled into the room, with a smile on his face, as if he had done nothing wrong. I didn't say anything.  If I tried to tell my mom he would lie about it. Plus my mom doesn't really punish us. I shook my head in disgust. He's so stupid. He started playing with his Legos and I started my fight for the remote.  My mother was watching some adult show that I didn't understand. I plucked the remote from her lap and changed it too Wizards Of Waverly Place.  
She looked at me in awe. “I was watching that.”
I smiled at her. “We should watch a show we both like.”
She sighed in a way that sounded like, unbelievable, but when I crawled on her leg I could feel her soften and relax.
Not too long later, after me and my Mother had both had gotten comfortable, my brother came swinging a pool noodle at me.  I squeaked and rolled off the bed to avoid the blows.
I ran to the other side of the room where he had gotten his noodle.  The noodles had magnets on the ends so they could connect and you could build a fort.  I had to tear one off the already built fort, then quickly run away from Nicholas, who was dangerously close.  We both got on two different sides of a table, daring each other to come to the other side. My Mom laughed in the background, causing me to turn around.  She changed the channel back to her crappy adult show.
“No!” I yelled. I took my attention away from Nick and ran over to my Mother.
“Don't change it,” I said helplessly.  
“Your playing with Nick. You can watch when your done.”
“But-” I was cut off by a feeling of something hard hitting me in the head. I turned around to see Nick with his hands covering his mouth, noodle abandoned on the floor.  My Mom got off the bed to examine me.
She had a face of full surprise and worry. “Oh my god.”
Something was wrong. I didn't feel right. Time felt slower and I felt a ringing in my ears. She quickly scooped me up and took me to the bathroom, setting me on the counter.  I looked at the mirror in front of me. A drop of blood trailed down from the top of my head. I sat, paralyzed. Suddenly I felt the pain. Horrible pain and fear, causing me to scream.
My mother drove me to the hospital that afternoon.  The whole time my brother sat with me, talked, and made jokes to distract me.  Even when the doctors were putting staples into my head, I laughed as my brother made the stupidest jokes.  I barely even felt anything. Even though he caused pain, he helped me through it. He did the same thing a few years later when I broke my arm on our trampoline.  He stayed on the phone with me the whole time. I love my brother.


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