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an angsty henclair fic :')

part one

TW: abusive parent, swearing, homophobia :'(

third person limited (Dustin)

It was going to be a fun day. Lucas came over to his house earlier that day to hang out. Will was sick, Mike was traveling, and Max and El were having some weird girly sleepover. The two boys were in his room now, just talking about whatever came to mind first. His mom was out shopping.

"Y'know, I never understood why people can't express themselves sometimes," Lucas said out of the blue.

"Yeah...," Dustin replied, "It's sad really. Why can't I just be myself?"


Shit, he thought. He let it slip. Now Lucas would know

"I-I didn't mean to say that-" his face started turning red. Lucas began to laugh.

"Dude, I've known you for so long, it's really obvious when you pine for somebody."

That's when it went really quiet. You could hear a pin drop. Which was weird, because Dustin didn't hear his mom pull into the driveway. They started to slowly get closer to each other.

"Oh... I'm sorry," he said.

"Sorry? Dude I feel the same way! I feel so relieved that you finally told me!"

Another silence. There was this strange tension now that Lucas said that. Lucas was the one who went for it. Once their lips were together, everything was right. It was the best thing that Dustin had ever felt, not physically, however. Emotionally, it was amazing, he'd never felt something like it.

"What the hell is going on?!"

They quickly turned around. His mom walked in on them and was clearly furious with him. She turned to Lucas. "Get the hell out of my house!!"

As Lucas was running out, she screamed the worst things she could possibly say, anything and everything. When Lucas got out of the house to pick up his bike, Dustin ran to the window. When he looked at Lucas, he read his face like a book. It said I'm sorry I have to leave, and it's not your fault. Dustin was on the brink of crying before his mother started to yell. He turned around to a hurricane.


His eyes were red and pained. He had been crying for hours. His mom had never hit him before. It really stung.

He had a feeling she wasn't even close to done.


Sorry it sucked -_- I'm not very good at this.

I never meant for Dustin's mom to be such a bitch :'(

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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