10. Kaylee

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I made my entrance into Connor's office unannounced. He was actually sitting at the desk, which was a rare occurrence. The second that my feet hit the floor, he looked up from his paperwork and gave me a fake smile.

"Miss Scott," he spoke. I could tell that the image of my face when Lex hit the ground flashed in his mind the moment he saw me. Before proceeding to meet the new girl, I pulled out the seat in front of his desk and threw myself down.

"You killed Lex," I said firmly. "Why?"

"He posed a threat to this organization, Anastasia. It was for the best," he told me.

"A threat? He was emotionally unstable! He was afraid of you, Connor, and you took a bullet to his heart! Doesn't that faze you for even a moment?" I demanded. Connor's gaze was cold.

When he didn't respond, I leaned forward and asked, "What's this you're working on?"

It looked as though they were plans. Reaching out and taking the pages between my fingers, I paused for a moment before holding them in front of my face and tearing cleanly down the center. Connor winced upon the sound of the ripped pages.

I ripped them again. And again. Finally, I threw the pieces onto his desk and stood from my seat. Slamming my palms down onto the wood of his desk, I leaned forward and hissed, "Whatever you have planned for us, it will not happen. I will sure as hell stop you before you cross the line, as if you haven't already. You'll have to kill me first."

Which we both know is impossible.

Spinning around on my heels, Connor said nothing more.

I moved forward.


Pushing open the door to find the teenage girl lying across the bed, I took a moment to evaluate whether she was in the coma or simply sleeping. When she opened her eyes to the ceiling, my question was answered.

Her head snapped to me as she drew in a sharp breath.

I heard her mutter under her breath, "Please don't hurt me..."

I slowly closed the door behind me before introducing myself.

"I'm not going to hurt you," I began. "I've actually come to help you. My name is Anastasia. Could you tell me yours?"

It was soft but audible. "Kaylee," she whispered.

By this time, I had joined her by the bed. Gently, I pulled the chair out from beside the bed frame and took a seat. The new girl, Kaylee, was gazing at me, terrified that I was going to hurt her or take her away.

"It's nice to meet you, Kaylee," I said. "Do you mind telling me how old you are? You can't be much older than I am."

"Fifteen," she told me. "How old are you?"

"Almost eighteen," I replied. She smiled slightly.

There was a pause. Then she asked me, "What am I doing here, Anastasia?"

I shifted in my seat. I was fully prepared to do the same thing that I had with Gabriel. Explain the Hunt. Why we are here too. How each of us have superpowers and how I can't understand why we're here either.

"You can call me Annie," I said gently. "But I'd –"

That's exactly the moment that chaos had erupted from outside of Kaylee's door. There was the sound of breaking glass, followed by a deep voice crying out to be released. I quickly got up from the chair where I was sitting and rushed outside to see what was happening.

The sight in front of me revealed Sebastian, who was being held back by two rather strong guards. I ran toward him and barked at the guards to let him go. To my surprise, they did as told.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, running my hand down his cheek. "I told you that I'd be back in a little while."

He was panting one word over and over.


"What?" I asked, confused. The moment that I heard the teenager girl gasp from behind me, I spun around. Kaylee had followed me out into the hallway and was now standing frozen in front of me.

"Sebastian?" she whispered. I stepped out of the way just in time for her to run to him.

This was the second time that I had ever seen Sebastian cry. He swept the girl up into his arms and held her close to him, his eyes filling up with tears. Kaylee was crying too. I watched intently for a minute, until I heard Sebastian whisper, "I can't believe you're here. Why are you here, Kaylee?"

"I don't know," she sobbed. "When can I go home? Are mom and dad even looking for me?"

I had wondered the same thing whenever I had disappeared. Upon hearing these words, I began to put the pieces together. I could remember from the Hunt that Sebastian had told me that he had a sister. I just couldn't remember her name...

Sebastian placed Kaylee on the floor and turned toward me.

"Annie," he said. "I see you've met my sister. Kaylee, this is my girlfriend Annie."

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