Appliance Award

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The appliance award is for the books who have a side character that is lgbt+ and is mentioned at least once every few chapters.
Your character must support lgbt+ and your story must.

Book title (please reply to comment with updated title if you changed it):
Character name, brief  description, what makes them lgbtq+:

After you fill out the form, you may use the graphic for either on the cover or inside the book. HOWEVER, you must:
Give me credit in description or title for making the graphic, you may not delete this from your book.

PM me your book and I'll add it to a special reading list.
Also view the first chapter in here for any extra overall details that aren't necessary to know but you might want to.

P.S. Lemme know if you want me to color over the pic collage logo with white. I'll try my best! :)

 I'll try my best! :)

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The Rainbow Tango "Awards" (Graphics) ✅Where stories live. Discover now