Chapter 1

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"And make sure to do the homework assignment that I've sent you guys!" Mr. Gregory yelled as I walked out of his history class. I spot Lily and Jess already waiting for me by the door.

I smiled, "Hey guys," as I head towards my locker, them following behind.

"Hey bro," Jess said as Lily held my books for me to open my locker. "So there's a party this weekend, you're coming right?" Jess was always the party girl in our trio group. She kind of always did her own thing. The last party I agreed to go to ended with me having to drag Jess out of a random guys room.

I tried to think about it as I finally spoke, "I don't know Jess last time-." Jess shushes me before I could finish. Lily laughed shaking her head as she handed me my books, me shoving them in my locker.

"Why don't you give it a second try," Lily advised. "I mean seriously, how long ago was that other time?" She was right, the last time was two years ago. Sophomore year. I was still obsessed over what everybody thought of me and was so quiet back then.  I guess this senior year will be different.

As we walk towards the cafeteria and debating to myself if I should go or not I finally say, "Ok fine I'll go." Lily and Jess both excitedly high five each other. "If-"

"Oh gosh I knew there was an if," Jess complained.

"Let me guess we can only be there for a certain amount of time?" Lily asked knowingly.

"Yes omg how'd you know?" I asked sarcastically. They know me too well. We've all known each other since we were 10. We went from walking to each other's houses everyday and going to the park to driving to movies and shopping every weekend.

Once we got our food, we sat at our usual normal seats. "Yo I don't have anything to wear to the party," Jess said as she took a bite off her apple.

"Who's party is it even?" Lily asked Jess knowing well that I wouldn't know.

"Oh it's going to be Sydney's party!" Jess said. I rolled my eyes at the mention of Sydney's name. "I know I know, you don't like Sydney but who cares it's just a party." I never really liked Sydney, she was kind of always full of herself. She was the typical mean girl that every high school had. Mean to everyone, fake to her own friends, slept with basically any guy she could get her hands on, one including my ex boyfriend, Tyler.

We were already dating for three years last year when he decided to cheat on me with Sydney. Turns out they were doing a lot of things behind my back without me realizing. When I ended up breaking up with Tyler I actually took it pretty well. I felt a huge chunk of relief come over me.

At the beginning of our breakup he still called me everyday nonstop trying to explain himself. He still acted like we were still dating knowing that he was aggressive and always in control of me. I had to block him off of everything for him to finally realize that I was done with him.

"I mean why do you hate Sydney anyway? I mean you wanted to break up with Tyler either way," Lily said looking at me while playing with her food. She had a point, I mean all Sydney really did was do me a favor. My friends always convinced me Tyler was abusive but I never really listened, till last year.

"You're right, but hey why don't we go shopping after school so we can go find something to wear for the party tomorrow night yeah?" I asked them both for approval. They look at each then finally nod their heads. "Thankfully it's Friday too so that's a bonus," I slightly laugh as I take a bite off of Jess' apple.


The rest of my classes were a blur. As soon as the 7th period bell rang, I walked out of class heading towards Spanish class knowing that was Jess' and Lily's last class. "Hola," they both say laughing as I rolled my eyes at them.

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