Dad you're acting weird

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My dad was acting pretty weird after he came back from beach city for a rare find, He had been walking away from my mom and I, Barely help around the house, he was just so engulfed within his work. My dad smiled at me, but not in a fatherly manner per usual. He looked as if he had something in his mind, obviously not good. This felt horrifying when he asked mom to get some groceries. After that smile, there is no way I would ever want to be alone with him and his weird behavior.

Clank! What was that? I thought, but scowled at myself. I hate my curiosity. I gingerly walked towards my Mom and Dad's room. I crack the door to see my dad mumbling quietly to himself. He scattered from one place to another I stared at his deranged face as he takes out a lighter. He points it towards glass? No, No...Pink shards? He lifts a huge pink diamond up in the air with a psychopathic cackle. "Yes! I have mended it together! Now...All I need is (y/n)..." He said out loud, he was obviously shutting himself up. He was loud enough for the neighbors to hear. I was beyond terrified for what he had in store for me.

Ding Dong! Shoot I could get caught snooping! I ran towards the door opening it to see my mom's smiling face. "Hello dear, dinner will be ready soon. I just need to start cooking." She says kindly, she locks the door and heads to the kitchen with the slight crinkling of the plastic bags in her hand. I head to my room writing on wattpad about what's happening. Using fake names of course. I didn't want to expose my dad without getting more proof. Which might be risky...but I can handle it.

I lock my phone and place it under my bed, I let my eyes close. But I lightly flicker them open and closed. I see my dad come into frame, I pretend to sleep. I can feel and hear his breathing, what is he doing? I lightly clench my blanket between my damp fingers. I was profusely sweating, I know he's at my bed side. "(y/n) wake up, dinners ready hon..." He spoke very dull. Unlike before when he was in his room early. How strange, I open my eyes I see him walk out the door. I fell to the ground and looked below the bed. MY PHONE! He took the phone...That little bastard. I walk out the door, seeing my mom setting up the plates with the food. I ate lightly, quiet was suffocating. The light clanking of Tupperware were the only audible sounds. I stood up and left the table as I went back to my room.

I sat on the pinkish sheets with diamond outlines. Pulling the covers over me I await a peaceful, but now resentful slumber. The dreams got freaky of my psychotic father, He was the pariah of his own family. I didn't want to dream about everything he could do with me. Or what he could want with me. I mustered up the courage to wake up to what had seem to be days. To be in a car "Good morning hon, I..uh got your mom to get you ready. I wanted to give a tour of my facility!" He says sounding normal. Too normal. He smiles at me with his eyes on the road "Okay" I agree cautiously. I knew that he had other plans with me than just a boring tour. The car stopped, We are at the destination. I open the car door to see a tall grey building with few windows. He walks towards the door, glancing at me to follow. I carefully follow, ready to run. "Follow me hon!" He says in an upbeat tone. This was weird, I don't know why I'm not running out. I get slammed into the wall, a white cloth was placed on my face as I fall asleep from the supposedly chloroform chemical. I knew I should've ran.

I see my dad pacing, "This will be very very, I'm sorry hon". He gets out a flamethrower from a drawer and heats up the diamond. "I implanted a chip so you would communicate with the gem or so called diamond hon. Aww don't worry, it'll be over in due time I promise." My eye widened as the diamond is glowing a pale orange as he pulls my shirt up. He slams it to my stomach and firmly pushes it against me. I scream bloody murder as the pain becomes unbearable. The searing could be heard as my skin melted, the diamond was attaching to me. The blood was dripping down profusely. The strain in face, I couldn't say anything, anything I could do was scream out all the pain I felt. The room was overwhelming. I'm losing too much blood, It burns. The last thing I hear after passing out was my screams come to an end.

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