Where I belong

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I sat awkwardly, the three female figure's shadow looming over me. I felt intimidated, the diamond was glowing brightly in a blossom color. "We'll take you somewhere..." Garnet said. Apparently that was her name, the slender figure was Pearl, and the plump one was Amethyst.
They lead me to a circle pedestal, they took me to a place I felt familiar to. Before I could say anything I saw them teleport back. I felt abandoned, what was wrong with me? Was I that messed up?

A rectangle box with floral decor and four legs were covered with flowers and plants. I sat there and thought...why did any of this happen??...A mechanical puff is heard as the ground shook. I hid behind the box, another box landed. It was blue, a women about my height walked gracefully as another girl walked behind her, the tiny girl looked like pearl. I wanted to...talk to her. She looked like she would understand my troubles, or just accept me. She was similar. I stepped put from behind the box. A blue diamond is connected to her pale blue chest. I see the blue woman kneel and sob. I felt bad, she looked so sorrowful. Tears escaped my eyes. How? I spoke almost confidently but concerned. "Excuse me...are you okay?" She peers up in shock with wide eyes. "Who are yo—!" She interrupts herself. The tiny girl bowed to me, "A Diamond?" The blue female spoke with tears. "Do you know what I am?" I said looking at my stomach. She ran to me hugging me tightly. "I thought you were gone...I thought it was all my fault, you're still here...I missed you so...but...you might not remember me...you do look rather...different." she said. I felt almost connected to her, I felt vulnerable to her. As if the gem was giving me feelings and memories, "You're not going to leave me here are you...? Like they did..." I ask, my gem wanted me to stay with her. My gem wanted to get away from this place, the gem was making me...complete, dare I say? A missing piece i never knew was missing?

"I will never leave you, you seem very...familiar, just like her..." She says. "Well, I feel quite familiar with you but...Who are you...I'm sorry" she looked at you with a kind smile. "I am blue diamond, You are a diamond. We diamonds to rule together. But let me ask...what happened?" She says. I sigh "You might not want to take me with you but I'm not who you think I am...my real name is (y/n) My father had put together shards and forced it to connect with me...and my skin hue turned...pink, I'm sorry I'm not the one you're looking for..." I looked down, guilty. "It's okay...but your in a place where no one will respect you...and you deserve respect...but (y/n)...would you like to come to my planet and meet your gems? They missed their diamond, but only if you'd like~" she speaks gently. "You wouldn't mind?" I say happily. She smiles, her tears gone. She holds her hand out for you to grasp. I smile happily and place my hand in hers. She leads me to her transportation box, interesting...The small female started programming the ship as it started to move. It pulled it self down cranking lightly. It swiftly launched itself into the sky. One of the legs was scraped with a rock but it didn't seem to damage the actual purpose of the box. The light around us faded as stars became visible, the stars looked wonderful up close. I glanced at blue diamond, she was gazing at me. I stared back at her, I took in her details. She was lustrous and alluring, she was a sight for sore eyes. She smiled at me and stood up. "You like the stars?" She asks. I blush a deep pink "Yeah...they remind me of your eyes..." I spoke embarrassed. She let a light chuckle, what a sound! "You flatter me so, you may not be the gem I'm looking for...but I'm overjoyed I found you." I close my eyes with smile the resumed to peer at the pale colored stars.

In a distance I see a sphere...A weirdly shaped one at that. Wait...thats the planet we're heading towards!
A gargantuan building boldly stood above the rest of the many builds. My eyes widened as we land, a yellow women with a disappointing look on her face stares at blue diamond's box. Blue excitedly told me to stay in her "palanquin". Blue diamond approached the slightly taller women. "Yellow, I have a surprise for you!" Blue speaks with enthusiasm. "Blue, why do you always go to that planet? The only useful thing out of that planet is the cluster. What could possibly surprise me? You even damaged the leg of your palanquin!" She complains rudely. "(Y/n)! You can come out!" Blue smile widens. I walk out nervously...I was covering my body, the gown felt it was about to give up on me. The yellow women's eyes widens. Her obvious eye bags are now wet from the tears running down her face. "Blue...who...? How is this?" She stammers, completely awestruck. "I will explain everything...but do you have any clothes I could possibly wear?" I ask with a sheepish smile. "Say no more. Pearls! Get her some of the finest gem-wear." She commands as the jump and gracefully walked out to obey their command. I looked at the two gems as I walked towards them. "Blue...and (y/n) was it? Let's head to the throne room...we mustn't let you stand tiredly any longer." She smiles. We walked through the empty yellow, blue, and pink halls. The White was faint in the decor of the building. The pearls came in with cloths that looked suited for a queen.

 ((not mine but

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((not mine but...what a beauty~))

I lowered my hand to the pearls as they placed the clothes into my hand. My gem was glowing brighter, the gem flashed the room as the fine clothes were transferred onto me. The pearls crossed their arms in the shape off a diamond and walked towards the door to stand by it. I sit on a pale pink crystal like throne, the other diamonds sit on theirs. I inhale and began to tell my story to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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