You woke up, speechless. Today was the day. You were gonna win this battle. No one could stop you now. You didn't honestly care that today was the last day of school, nor did you care about the sounds your alarm clock was making. You got dressed into your black sweatshirt and black ripped jeans with red Jordan's. You threw your hair up into a messy bun and ran downstairs. Your mom told you to stop running but you didn't listen, you were just too excited. You grabbed your bag and an apple and ran out the door. You went to the bubble tea shop to grab another strawberry tea and then ran across the street to the school. You went straight to the auditorium and to the back because that's where the rap battle contestants would be until the battle started.
Your pov
I sighed as I saw all the boys I would have to face in a few hours and they all turn to look at me. "damn, never thought the new rapper girl'd be so hot" some kid purred in my ear. I punch him and walk away. I sit down in the empty practice room and go over the song a few times. The battle starts and all of us file out onto the stage. We all have our own lines and parts of different songs so we all do our own thing around the stage until it was our part. Every time it was my turn, everyone went crazy over how fast I was. To be honest, all the guys up here with me are pretty dope but they're just kinda annoying. Their voices are a little bit too high to be rapping these songs and it really bugs me. Other than that, things went great for the opening of the battle. After, we all introduced ourselves one by one and we all went back stage. Now was the next part. Solos. Which ever two got the most votes on their solo goes to the finale which is rap god back and forth to see who is the winner.
Time skip
Finally, it's my turn for my solo. I'm really nervous but I think I got this. Once my name was called, everyone started screaming and hollering, clapping and cheering. I walk out and sit criss-cross on the floor with the microphone on the floor. Everything went silent. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath that could be heard through pretty much the entire room. The lights dim and all of a sudden the music for the real slim shady starts. Lights are flashing everywhere are everyone is cheering.The song ended and I was back to sitting criss-cross on the floor. I walk backstage and everyone started giving me high fives as I go towards the couch. It was a few other kids turns before the audience had to vote on who made it to the finals. Once they did, me and my rival made it.
We were both standing there on stage and he gave me this bored face as he looked down. I sigh and put on my resting bitch face and get myself ready. All while this is just a thing for school, your passion was music and the type of music you liked best was rap. You couldn't help but not participate in this. Not only that, but, the winner got 50,000 dollars. No way would I sit out on possibly winning that kind of money.
The song starts and we both go back and forth with our assigned lines and he messed up twice while I still have 0 screw ups. We were doing alright until the fast part came up. Everyone went silent as he stuttered with his parts of it while I just glided right through. I knew I was gonna win that money.
The song ended and the crowd started to cheer. I didn't know how to react so I just stood there. All of a sudden, my stomach started cramping up and I started to focus less and less on the voice on the intercom about the winner and more on the pain. I was pretty good with enduring pain so it didn't really get to me. The crowd started cheering and I was snapped back to reality, confused.
I had won.
Colby, Cory, Lucas and Ashton all ran up to the stage and hugged me. By now, the pain was unbearable.

Who's the best now? | og school project x reader discontinued
FanfictionWho knew a simple yearly rap battle at your school would make you famous in a different country? (lol warning: it's stupid) Kinda escalates quickly cause tbh I wanna get this story over and done with cause I'm impatient lolol Ask if u want smuts or...