The Arrival

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Frisk awoke to the rays of sunshine in her room. It was another weekend for her, meaning she could have all the fun she wanted for now. She planning on going out to the park today with the Six Human Souls, Flowey, and...

She looked down to her chest to find who she was looking for. Chara slept peacefully snuggling her face in her chest. It had been about two months since they officially became a couple, and Toriel approved, though she imposed a 'No Sex until Marriage Rule' even though there would zero chance of either of them getting pregnant. Frisk got what that meant, but somehow her girlfriend didn't. That was a miracle; she's not innocent to blood but she is to procreation.

She loved Chara deeply, and the feeling was mutual. She didn't have to worry though about her killing anymore as she was now with a Human Soul again. Her other demon features stayed, but she was fine for now. Yet, demon or not, she would always still love her. She needed Chara, and Chara needed her.

As much as she wanted to stay for a while longer in the position they were in, she knew she had to wake her up. She shook her gently. "Chara, Chara, time to wake up!"

"Just five more minutes please" the half-demon groaned. She was never a morning person.

Frisk giggled. "Chara, come on. Mom's making pie"

The girl just held onto Frisk tighter, hoping that if she looked cute enough, she would let her sleep.

"If you don't wake up right now, no kisses for a week!"

"No!" the girl yelped as she sat up with a jolt. "Please, babe, don't do it! I'm begging you!"

Frisk chuckled at her girlfriend's reaction. Chara sometimes got clingy and hated being away from her. It was quite like her relationship with Flowey; if they don't see or hear from each other every now and then, they act like as if they're gonna die. "I'm just kidding"

"Don't do that! You know how I feel if you do!"

"Aww, my girl hates separation" she cooed as she held Chara closely.

"Don't tease me!"

"But your reaction is cute!" she giggled. Her fun was spoiled when she noticed how Chara was acting. She wasn't angry, but she was somewhat sad and scared. "Chara, I'll always be here, no matter what"

The half-demon looked up. "Promise?"

"I promise" she cupped her girlfriend's cheek before parting her messy hair to give her a kiss on the head. She smiled when her partner did. "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Now, come on. We better get ready for breakfast! You know the others are waiting!"

Chara nodded before noticing that the nightstand where a certain flower used to be was now gone and the door was slightly open. She could guess that meant Flowey had woken up before them and had gone down to start his day. She also guessed it was so that he could escape the romance. She and Frisk got changed into their normal outfits, fixed up, and went down to meet with the rest.

Frisk was always the first wake up, though her roommate was just lugging behind her. Atleast that meant they get the first slices of pie. They both were greeted by Toriel and Flowey. Toriel was just taking the pie out of the oven while Flowey was making orange juice.

"Good morning, my children!" Toriel greeted them. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes, mom" they spoke at once.

"The pie will be ready soon, so it won't be long" she spoke as she set it down as it cooled.

"Hey, Chara, Frisk, you're up!" Flowey greeted them as he prepared the orange juice.

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