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Whelp, everything is just going worse. Tension had gone to its highest. It was just great, perfect, sweet...not!

Toriel was depressed about Sans and how she couldn't find him. She was worried that he thought she didn't like him because he ran off. He hadn't even gone near the house in a long time. It was worrying them all. The kids tried to cheer her up, but she only smiled for seconds and got sad again. The leaders fared no better.

Frisk refused to speak to Chara, unless it involved getting Toriel and Sans together. She gave her the cold shoulder every time she tried to reach out to her. The rosy-cheeked girl was trying her best to see if she could get back on her good side, but it was feeble.

Aida was nowhere in sight. Chara didn't want to talk about her for now as she feared it would just make Frisk angry at her. Man, despite how she wasn't even wearing her collar anymore, she was still submissive.

"Okay, Chara, mind telling me what happened on that night exactly?" Flowey asked, trying his best to sound gentle. "I mean, if you're okay with it, that is"

The half-demon sighed before she closed her eyes. "I think it would be better if I just show you"

He seemed confused for a bit before he felt some tug from her. She was trying to show him her memory via their connection. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes as he braced for what was in store.


Chara yawned as she trudged herself upstairs. It had been a long day and now she just wanted to spend some time with the love of her life, well afterlife. She tried to open the door, but was surprised to find it was locked. She only chuckled, guessing Frisk was just teasing her.

She then knocked before speaking in a sing-sang tone. "Love, I'm home!"

There wasn't any answer.

"I know you're awake! You wouldn't have locked door if you were gonna sleep without me!"

Silence was there at first before footsteps were heard and the door unlocked. It opened to show Frisk looking down, her eyes swollen red from crying.

It immediately worried her girlfriend. "Oh my...love, what happened?"

"I'd rather not talk about it"

"Love, please, tell me"

She glared at her. "Maybe I'm not your only love"

She tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Don't try and play dumb with me, Chara! I saw you with her!"

That was when she understood what she meant. "Frisk, it's not what you think it is! I swear!"

She shook her head as she tried to hold back the tears. "I thought she was just a friend, Chara"

"She is!"

"How does carrying someone like a bride on a wedding day equals to being just a friend?! I'm beginning to think that you actually just love that robot!"

"She's not just a robot! Her name is Aida, and all she has been is protective and helpful! The least we can do is teach her how emotions work!"

For a moment, Frisk just kept quiet and stood there. Then, she walked to close the gap between her and the half-demon before she slapped her harshly in the face. She used so much force that it sent her to fall down. She felt at her red cheek. It stung like heck.

"Staying out on the couch should teach a demon how they work" she growled before turning about face and slamming the door harshly.


Flowey reopened his eyes when that whole memory settled in. He couldn't believe what he had seen. Now he knew why his sister was so afraid of the Pacifist and how upset she was. He heard sniffling and looked to see that Chara had covered her face to hide her sadness.

"Why did she call me that?" she whimpered. "She never called me that...and now..."

The flower knew how it hurt so much. Chara may call herself a demon because she is technically one both literally and figuratively, but truth be told, she hated being called that. It was the first thing everyone from her old timeline called her just because she had different eyes. Frisk only called her that as a joke, but now she really meant it.

The flower went up and took two Soul Chips out and ate them before he grew enough to embrace his sister to calm her as she vented her hurt. He pat her back to soothe her down as she sobbed.

Even with all the conflict going on, they still had to work on the Sans-Toriel Mission. They had to do something and soon. Since the breakdown, Asgore has been visiting more often than usual while Sans stayed away. They can guess that meant that the goat man had been taking advantage of the skeleton's absence and was now trying his best to get their mother to warm up to him.

They all weren't taking it so well. The kids just hid in their room while Flowey, Frisk, and Chara stayed downstairs to keep an eye out. Asgore tried to reach out to Chara, but Flowey had none of it. Frisk wasn't as cold or hostile but she still was wary.

"Argh! So what's the plan?! I can't take it anymore with him! I'm gonna lose my mind!" Wyatt groaned as he banged his fists on the table angrily like a child with a tantrum.

"I can't bake without knowing he's gonna come around!" Alex whined.

"I'm so stressed I'm losing my form!" Jenna pointed to her once-primped arm now losing its form.

"I can't leave the room without my gun!" Zed shivered as he kept his weapon close to him.

"Chiwin can't go to sleep anymore without thinking he's going to come and take her Soul! And I can't even dance or listen to music properly without thinking of either him or her!" Amariah spoke for both her and her traumatized bestie as she held her. Small blacks were now evident beneath her eyes from the lack of sleep.

"We know! We know! We get it!" Flowey yelled loud enough to calm them all down. "He's so flirty to her, I sometimes feel like I'm still Soulless! He keeps trying to get Chara to call him 'dad' again and Frisk is just tolerating! SO SHUT UP!"

They all stopped complaining and whining as they shut their mouths and mumbled apologies, except for Chiwin, who was still shivering with eyes wide from fear. They all then just took a seat. Undyne, Papyrus, and Alphys followed suit. They were all in Alphys' Lab so they could talk freely.

"Okay, now that's taken care of, let's get back to the main reason why you've all been called here. As you know, Asgore has been visiting more frequently and Sans has gone MIA. And yes, none of us back at the house can take it anymore. Now, then, the point is made clear: We need to find Sans and get him to come back before it's too late"

They all nodded in agreement.

"Good, now for the past few days, I and Flowey have stayed at home while the rest of you monitored from your posts and tried to find where our guy is. Now, after much-awaited time, one of us has just found the only other place he has been these days" she then glanced at the person in question before calling her. "Chara, share what you know"

She obeyed meekly as she spoke up. "He's been at Grillby's, quite predictably, but he goes only on certain times of the day so we can't find him. I've eventually been able to go up and talk to him and I could tell from his face that he's sorry about leaving. I could tell he didn't mean it. I think he was forced"

Frisk nodded as she stopped speaking. "Now, we've already gotten a plan ready to get things back to the way they were. Everyone needs to take up position"

They all nodded.

"Good, here's the plan"

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