Friday 13th

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Mark sat back at his computer and drums his fingers on his desk. There had to be a clue. There had to be SOMETHING that would give him a lead. Anything. He looked at the last time he had received something from a fan. After an hour or so of searching and comparing he realised that all communication stopped at the exact same time. 12:00am Friday 13th June.

(Defiantly bad luck for Mark.)

'What does that mean?' He slammed his fists on the desk out of frustration. His mind raced with all kinds of possibilities; some logical, tumblr and twitter have been experiencing technical issues; others slightly more ridiculous, they've all been abducted by aliens...ok way more ridiculous. Mark stood up and tried to retrace his steps over the past week, the rain outside grew heavier and thunder started to rumble in the distance, he walked over and gently closed his balcony door.

Mark froze as his mind drew a blank. He couldn't remember. He couldn't remember anything. He couldn't remember waking up, eating, going outside, nothing. He brushed it off as being tired and stressed. He grabbed his coat and wallet of his bed - fast food would help him concentrate, maybe a long walk. Something to clear his head.


He rattled the door. 'God dammit. What the hell?' He muttered 'come on. OPEN!' He tried harder to get the door open but nothing, he kicked and punched the door out of frustration. He headed to his balcony, maybe someone could come and unlock it.


Mark stood back from the door. He hadn't locked it. Had he? No. He'd just shut it. That was it. He never locked it. He ran his hand through his hair, bewildered at what was happening. He took out his phone, he would call one of his friends, they could come open the door and give mark some sanity.


His phone wouldn't open. 'what's going on?!' Mark shouted. He was about to throw is phone at the wall in frustration when he noticed something. The date on his phone 'Friday 13th June' and the time '12:00am' he stared at it in disbelief. He shook his head and ran to his computer and checked the date 'Friday 13th June' and '12:00am'

He closed his eyes and counted to 60, he opened them willing that the time had changed, praying that his mind was just playing tricks on him. But nothing. They were the same. Time wasn't moving forward. He slide down his bedroom door, and placed his head in his hands. He had no idea what was happening, his brain was swirling, he felt like he might be sick. He placed his head back and took two deep breathes.

The YouTuber who had disappeared.

The fans all checked YouTube, Tumblr, twitter, everything everyday. And everyday nothing. Mark had simply disappeared. Police had been to his apartment and couldn't find anything. They continued search but as the days past they felt it was becoming less and less likely he would be found.

The fans prayed they heard something soon.

Mark prayed things would start to make sense, he it became clear quicker than he thought. His blood turned to ice. He was trapped. This was it.

The YouTuber whose fans disappearedWhere stories live. Discover now