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HO EUTTEUM is getting changed back into his regular clothes after an arduous period of physical activity that was not warranted or consented to. He wipes the sweat from his brow and checks his Snapchat camera to fix his hair—and his face—and oh shit, one of his contacts is slipping out—

STUDENT 1: jesus christ, I really didn't think they'd make us run laps on the first day ...

STUDENT 2: i guess that's just how it be. we need to get back in shape, anyway.

STUDENT 1: i can't believe namjoon's trickass really sprinted all four laps, though. the hell's he trying to prove?

STUDENT 2: like, we get it, you're captain of the track team. can he hop off my dick for one se—oh, hey, eutjaa!

EUTTEUM looks up quickly and smiles at his classmate, the quick expression change easy to him due to years of habit. 'EUTJAA' is the nickname he's received from his friends and his team, due to his massive ego ("jaa").

They'd never know that that's not really him, though.

EUTTEUM: hey, guys.

STUDENT 1: ooh, now that eutjaa's in this period we're gonna have two star athletes outselling the rest of us.

STUDENT 2: the testosterone and axe body spray is killing me already.

They both laugh. EUTTEUM forces one out of himself.

STUDENT 1: see you around, eutjaa.

EUTTEUM nods as a form of saying bye, quickly turning back to face his locker.


He shuts his locker and clicks the lock into place, shouldering his drawstring bag (he chose an orange string for the first day of school because why the fuck not, that makes sense) and moves to leave—only to almost collide head-on with a whole ass vaulting pole.

STUDENT: fool, if y'all don't move out of the way—

STUDENT: oh, shit, dog.

He stops in his tracks, trying to figure out if he really did fix his contacts when the pole shifts to the side and guess who the fuck it is.

NAMJOON: hiya!

KIM NAMJOON grins at him as if he's not standing in the middle of the locker room with a ten foot pole.

sticky rice. / bts afWhere stories live. Discover now