Small talk and caving in

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You snuck another sideways glance at the now very close hero. He seemed to be brooding. "Everything o-o-o-ok?" You watched the hero carefully, "Yeah... I hate this kind of weather..." you heard him say softly and pull you into his side a little tighter. You watched him blink away what looked like tears, "M-m-Mic?" You chatter placing a hand on his arm. He jumped slightly at the touch of you icy hand on his bare arm. "I really need to get back to the studio room but I don't want to leave you here." He states matter of factly out of the blue. You blink a few times, "J-j-J-just hur-r-ry back you're m-m-m-my heater." You stutter through ending frustrated and looking away from what seemed like a mischievous glint in his eye.
You felt the absence immediately as he opened the blanket and grabbed your lit phone, leaving you slightly shivering in the candlelit break room.
You stood slowly trying to get what little warm blood you had left to circulate through your body. You felt you knees stiffly accept the warmth and you shuffled your way to the window watching the snow pile up. You watched the flicker of the candle jump and dance against the glass and shine brightly against the darkness outside. You looked up at the cloud filled night though a storm was coming through scattering blankets of snow and though the lights were out on the street everything illuminated bewitching you. You reluctantly turned from the window and walked to a chair and sat holding yourself in the leather jacket that smelled oddly like cigarettes and coffee. You inhaled deeply and blush slightly, you always liked the way Present Mic smelled. You heard footsteps echoing down the hallway and see a bright light snapping you away, your head rolls up when you hear him enter the doorway and your eye begins to twitch slightly. In the hallway the blonde Adonis was standing shirtless wearing another leather jacket holding a small metal trashcan in one arm with various supplies in it including his shirt, your eye twitched more when it rested on the cheeky grin that a condom was wedged in. You close your eyes and open them and open your mouth to say something but your voice is caught when you notice he's wearing glasses now. "W-w-Wait you wear g-g-g-g-glasses?" You questioned. His mouth dropped open dropping the condom to retort then closed in a thin line of disappointment. You watched as he over dramatically leaned over to pick up the condom and shoved it into his leather pants pocket. "Yeah. I do, The sunglasses I wear are prescription ... really? Nothing? No reaction?" He said waving his free arm with the phone gesturing to his now shirtless torso. "I-I-I-I've seen-n-n better." You chatter out and manage to snort, you looked at the hero and gave him a weak smile shivering slightly. You watched him as he rolled his eyes and groaned causing you to laugh genuinely catching the hero off guard. He dropped his head and walked over to you with the trashcan and kneeled beside you dumping it out. You looked at the things he had dumped out; his shirt, a pack of cigarettes, a pack of printer paper, old office reports, a lighter, polish remover, and thick packing tape. You watched as the hero grabbed the other blanket from the box and tape from the floor walking over to the window opening it. "H-h-h-Hey!" You say shivering violently from the gust of bitter cold. You watched as he carefully taped the window with the blanket keeping it open but covered you shook again drawing the blanket closer and watched as the hero came back into your view. His long hair draped over his shoulders as he ripped the shirt, "Hey d-d-don't-" you started and he just glanced over at you from behind his glasses and continued ripping the shirt. "Why d-d-d-don't you w-w-wear them m-m-more?" You asked cautiously, you saw a slight pink tint crawl across the heros face. "I don't like wearing them, I got picked on a lot and with my quirk I always pissed my parents off because they broke every time my quirk activated..." You watched as he paused for a moment then opened the bottle of polish remover and carefully poured it out onto the pieces of cloth. He then placed a few pieces in the bottom of the trashcan and began balling up to old reports, you monitored his movements closely as he took a cigarette out of the pack and placed it between his slender lips. "W-w-what where you l-l-like as a k-k-kid?" You asked curiously this time, you heard the hero chuckle, "If you wanna know we could forgo the condom and make your own lil mic." He deflected biting his bottom lip and wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and groaned watching as the hero grabbed the lighter off the floor he flicked it failing the first few attempts then carefully lit a piece of paper placing it in the trashcan. It quickly reached the other papers and combusted slightly when it reached the damp cloth making a small camp like fire in the metal can. You heard the lighter spark back up again and the smell of cigarettes filled the air. The warmth slowly seeped through the frigid air causing you to move you chair closer, you put your hands out almost as if to hold the can. "Better?" You hear a deep voice whisper from in front of you, you look up watching him take a long drag as the blonde hero crouched in front of the can opposite of you. "Much, you're p-pretty resourceful." You say and hero the hero scoff, "I'm gonna tell everyone you said I was pretty." You hear him say, you roll your eyes and meet his sad looking smile as he stared intently at the fire taking another drag. "Are you ok Mic?" You ask unwrapping the blanket, "Yeah I'm good." He said with a slight tightness in his voice taking another drag, you looked at the hero carefully. "You're a terrible liar." You say boldly causing the hero to snap up at you from his gaze at the fire. "I'm fine." He stated firmly giving you a hard look finishing the smoke and flicking the butt of the cigarette into the burning trashcan. You stand up and walk over to him and stand there looking at him. He stared up at you, rolled his chartreuse eyes and continued looking back at the fire. You sat next to him and wrapped the blanket around his shoulder making him look hard at you again. You returned his gaze and watched slowly as he crumpled a few more paper tossing them into the fire, when he returned his gaze to yours, you leaned in placing a small soft kiss against his thin lips.

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