Valentine's Day (Coco x Ruby)

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So I'll be going down RWBY's character roster in order starting with.... Ruby Rose! I hope you guys enjoy it!

"Ooh! What about this one?"

It was that day again, the one day a month that Yang makes Ruby's world a living hell.

Wednesday. The day they get their allowances, or as Yang prefers to call it, "Shopping Day."

While Ruby would much rather spend her not-so-well-earned lien at the dust shop or candy store, Yang always puts her foot down and forces her to go shopping for clothes with her. "Sisterly bonding time," she calls it.

Ruby loves her sister to death, but there's only so many yellow tank tops and leather jackets that she can take before wishing she could just go fight a horde of Grimm.

"What do you think, Rubes?" Yang asked, holding a black crop top with some band logo on the front up to her chest.

Ruby sighed, the weight of the dozen shopping bags in her arms weighing her down, "I—"

"Yeah, you're right," Yang tossed the shirt back onto the clothing rack, "Not really my color. Oh! Hello, Mr. Clearance Aisle."

And so it went. They had already been at the mall for hours, and Ruby didn't think that she could last another second. Seeking relief, we plopped down on a bench next to the dressing rooms. Seconds later, Yang came bounding by with a bundle of new clothes piled in her arms. Ruby groaned, knowing that that pile would soon be added to the truckload of bags that she was carrying.

"I'm going to try these on. BRB," her sister said, purposefully dashing into the nearest dressing room.

Ruby sighed, appreciating just the opportunity to sit down for a bit. The thought of running away and never looking back crossed her mind. In fact, the idea of just dropping all of the bags and taking off was seeming pretty gosh-dang appealing. She was eying the exit quite intently when she heard a door click open. It was probably Yang about to rhetorically ask Ruby's opinion on the outfit. Out of pure habit, she turned her head to look.

It wasn't Yang, but, by dust, was Ruby glad that she looked!

The girl was tall, way taller than her, and had long, chocolate hair. She was wearing a long, caramel-colored dress that fell down to her ankles and accentuated her incredible physique. She had a gold band on her pale wrist and a similarly colored necklace that sparkled under the mall's fluorescent lights.

It wasn't until the girl turned her head and revealed a blond streak in her hair that Ruby recognized her as Coco Adel, the leader of Team CFVY.

Coco's brown eyes met Ruby's silver orbs and she smiled. Ruby suddenly realized that her mouth was wide open. She closed it and nervously smiled back.

Then Coco was walking over to Ruby and the younger girl found her heart pounding in time with the click of the fashionista's heels.

"Hey," Coco said to her, "I know you, right? You're that Ruby girl."

Ruby found it a bit hard to remember how to speak at that point, but she finally, masterfully stuttered, "Bah, buh, uh yes!" Her face turned red as her cloak, "You're C-Coco Adel, right?"

Coco smirked, "The one and only." She noticed the pile of shopping that bags that could clothe an entire continent, "Find anything good here?"

"Oh, these aren't for me, they're for my..." she stopped herself, "Myself!" Better to make it look like she knew her way around a mall with this fashion goddess. "Yeah, I like to do a bit of shopping here and there. No biggie." She grabbed one of the bags and reached into it. "Like this. I thought it'd look pretty good on me." She pulled out a yellow bra that was at least twelve sizes too big for her. She sputtered and shoved it back into the bag. "Or... it will look good on me... eventually."

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