Dreams and True Love

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Purposeful Persistence

Do you remember your childhood dreams? Or that moment when you finally knew what it was that you wanted to do with your life? Are there things you started but never completed because life happened and your dreams and goals were put on the shelf? I recall several things I excitedly spoke about that could have been done had I been more proactive and persistent!

Dreams are stored in garages, half written books have gathered dust, the metal has rusted, the wood has bugs in it, and the half painted canvas has faded. The piano has been sold!

Once upon a time there was a little girl who wanted to learn to play the piano. Her parents were not able to send her for lessons so, when life happened and she was in her late 30’s, she purchased a piano. She was very excited about it, but sent the kids for lessons instead, because she was so busy. As life continued the piano was sold!

Life has gone on, and I have yet to learn to play the piano. I hope I got you smiling just a bit as you see yourself in my story! You have the ability to complete or fulfil your dreams; there is no doubt about that! But, somehow, procrastination, that old “time” thief, has robbed you of your dreams, your goals, and your visions.

Was it an NGO you wanted to start or assist? Your studies that you had hoped to continue? The renovations you wanted to make? That picture you wanted to paint, or that book that you wanted to write? You know the dreams on your garage shelves that have gotten dusty, musty or rusty! Start dreaming again.

Don’t give up on you dreams! If you’ve been working towards your goals but find yourself struggling to continue I want to encourage you to hang in there. In a little while when you reach your goal (with God’s help) it will be worth it!

I hope I sparked an excitement in you that would send you working towards your goals and dreams again! Be purposeful and persistent.

Proverbs 13:19 says, “It is pleasant to see dreams come true …”

You can do it!

On Top of the World

Have you noticed how feelings fluctuate? Today you may feel “on top of the world”. Tomorrow, you may be down in the dumps! It’s great to feel on top of the world.

When the woman or man you pursue says, “Yes”, or the business deal goes through, perhaps the court rules in your favour, or maybe the bank approves the bond for your house … what a wonderful feeling!

But then there is the flip side to that. The one you pursue says “No”. The promising business deal fails. The judge slams the hammer and says “guilty”. The rent can’t be paid!

I think you know what I mean and maybe you have experienced times when you faced something similar. And so our feelings fluctuate. 

Besides those feelings, we cannot ignore the feelings of guilt when we have deliberately wronged another, or perhaps made a mistake at a great expense to another, or even disobeyed our heavenly father.

Today I want you to know that whether you feel on top of the world, down in the dumps, or if you feel guilty, there is someone who is greater than your feelings.

God your father is greater than your feelings and he knows everything!

Did you know that when you don’t feel guilty you can come to God with bold confidence? And when you do, you will receive from him whatever you want because you obey him and do the things that please him. (1John3:20-22)

Remember that wonderful ‘top of the world’ feeling? I encourage you to get rid of any guilt you may have and deal with the things keeping you down in the dumps.

God loves you and is greater than your feelings! He wants to smother you with his blessings.

Be blessed! 

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