Chapter 8: Lake Bled

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"We have to go, while the roads are still empty. I don't want to get stuck in traffic," Mark explains.

"Sure. Have a nice trip," he wishes us both and we walk out of the building. 

"We'll go in my car. You're okay with it, right Mia?" he asks a little hesitant. I nod.

We stop in front of a newer Audi version car. Mark skillfully runs to the passengers' door and opens them. 

"Here you go," he speaks and smiles gently. My heart skips at his act.

No, Mia! Don't let yourself be fooled! You know the consequences. You're basically an expert at them. 

I slowly approach him and sit in the car. Although I try to stay calm and collected, a slight blush still creeps up my face. Who wouldn't blush if a handsome man holds a door for you?

He gently closes them and hops to his side. 

"You can put your things in the backseat if you want," he adds and I carefully place my backpack there. Only then it hits me. He's on a first name basis. Yesterday he was still addressing me formally. How am I supposed to respond to that?

I nervously start to rub my fingers against each other, making eye contact with anything but him. Mark stares at me for a while and then I think it dawns on him. 

"Sorry, I called you by your first name. I just thought we could talk more comfortably that way. I apologize if I insulted you."

I look at him surprised and slightly smile. It's true. We've got a long road ahead. It would be easier for me as well. But I'm not completely sure if I want him to get closer so fast. I still decide on the earlier.

"No worries, we can be on a first name basis. I'd like that too," I reply with a quiet voice and Mark smiles, satisfied. 

"What do you say we stop at the convenience store for a minute? I didn't have breakfast yet and you probably didn't too."

My stomach loudly grumbles to his answer and I blush a deep red. 

"I'll take that as a yes," he smiles.

After a few minutes he parks the car at a near gas station and we walk into a small store, buying ourselves a cheese roll. We sit in the car and leave the doors open, so we get some fresh air. I can't wait to bite into the fresh roll and when I finally do, I sigh blissfully. I take another big bite. Next to me, I hear a muffled laugh. I look at him, curiously.

"You haven't changed a bit."

Those words hit me hard. He's the last person I wanted to hear that from. I've tried to change for so many years and now he says I'm still the same? The same abashed and broken girl, that he rejected?  Quiet anger starts to boil inside me, but he doesn't notice.

"I remember those days.. when we hung out together. You haven't changed."

"I don't want to hear that from you," I reply darkly and he now notices my anger. 

"Sorry, I thought-" he starts but I cut him off. 

"You thought I was still the same little brat, who believed you everything? I don't think so."

His face falls with guilt. I take a deep breath and close the door. "Forget it. Let's just go."

Without a word, he closes his door as well and starts the car. We drive all the way to the Lake Bled in uncomfortable silence. My anger disappears only when I see the blooming greenery in the distance and behind a small speck of blue water. The beautiful view and nature of this place calm me down immediately. I open the door and breath in the fresh air. How I needed this!

Mark follows and apparently, the new environment suits him as well. 

"We are supposed to meet at the boat dock, that will take us to the church. We've got around 15 minutes left. Just enough to get there," he explains but never makes eye contact. 

Is he still sorry for what he said earlier? Well, he should be. That's nothing compared to what I went through. 

I nod and follow him on a path around the lake. As always, there are loads of visitors here, national and foreign. A memory jumps in my head, of when I got lost with Mark and we asked for help from a Frenchman, who talked neither Slovenian (my language) or English. In the end, our professor found us and he wasn't exactly happy. 

A smile itches to spread on my face but I contain it. We stop at a beautiful, white boat. In it sat a young couple and looked lovingly into each other's eyes. I bet they are our customers. The couple sees us and smiles brightly. 

"I'm glad you found time for us in your busy schedule. You can not imagine how happy we are that you came," the young man says gratefully and extends his hand. "I'm George Park and this is my fiancee Sofia Hull," he introduces and motions to his companion. 

Sophia? Why does that name sound so familiar?

The woman looks at me surprised and her smile grows even bigger. Can a normal human even smile so big?

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