Chapter 14: A picture for memory

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We step through a door, covered with white roses into a shining place, filled with perfect dresses. Grey matt floor perfectly makes the white pieces of cloth stand out and make you feel welcome. Behind the counter peaks out a tall and skinny woman, who could easily be a model. When she spots us, she smiles widely and runs towards us.

"Welcome! How may I help you? A dress for the beautiful bride?" she grins and looks at me. I need a moment to figure out, what she means by that. Does she think, we're getting married?

I quickly shake my head, while Mark calmly answers for me.

"No, we are the witnesses. We need dresses for the wedding tomorrow."

The saleswoman thinks for a moment and then exclaims: "Sophie's wedding?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" Mark asks surprised.

"She was here just yesterday. She said, a couple looking for dresses will probably come. I'm guessing you are that couple?"

"I can't believe it. Yeah, that's right. Sophie is always a step ahead," Mark says with a smile and pulls a laugh out of me.

"Please, walk right ahead. She chose out two dresses that looked the best to her. She hopes you will like them. But you can still choose another," she explains and leads us to the changing room.

"I forgot about the dress," I whisper to Mark in embarrassment. 

"Don't worry. That's why I haven't," he whispers back and smiles.

"Here are the dresses. If you need any help, just call," says the saleswoman and closes the curtains. There is only a thin wall between Mark and me. I slowly start changing into a silky blue dress with soft waves. The color at the bottom changes from a deep sea color to a soft light blue at the chest with small white and silver glitter spread across. When I look in the mirror, I aw at the sight.

Sophie has excellent taste!

I hear knocking on the door behind me and before I can turn around, the door opens and in comes Mark. For the second time today, he stops in his tracks with his mouth hanging open.

"I didn't say, you can come in," I say angry and turn away, flustered.

"Mia, you are," Mark starts and before he can continue, the store clerk pops her head inside the room.

"Oh my, you both look amazing! The dress fits the miss perfectly, don't you think sir?" she asks Mark.

He nods his head. "Perfect."

My face is covered in pink again. How can he say such things?

"And the jacket fits you really well too. The length of the trousers is just right and the grey checked necktie goes perfectly together."

At her description, I turn around and land my eyes on Mark. How did I not notice this before? He's a lot more handsome in a jacket. His sleeves are a little rolled up so you can see his strong and veiny arms. He combed his hair back with his hand so that a stray of dark hair sits on his forehead. Compared to the boy from high school, he's now a real man. And on top of that, really handsome. But I'll never tell him that. His ego will only grow bigger.

"What do you say we take a picture of you two?" the satisfied store clerk proposed.

"Sure," Mark replies and whispers to me. "For memory."

He takes out his camera from his bag and shows the store clerk which button to press.

"Good. Now stand next to each other."

I step next to Mark and put on a shy smile.

"Oh, come on! Get closer, you two," she says and winks.

I take a step closer when suddenly Marks arm wraps around my waist and presses me against him. I blush a crimson red and the store clerk smiles satisfied and already makes a few shots.

"You look great together," she says as she looks through the pictures, nodding to herself. I quickly shy away, when she's done and go back to my room to change. When I start to undress, my phone starts ringing. I look at it and see the name, Harry. I quickly answer.


"Hi, honey! I finally got through to you!"

"I'm sorry. I'm incredibly busy. I didn't have time for a single call," I apologize.

"Where are you?"

"On a business trip. It got prolonged."

"What did?"

"Unexpected plans," I answer simply. Even though he is my boyfriend, I don't want to reveal information about my clients. I am not allowed to anyway.

"Did you go alone?"

"No. I'm with my boss."

There's silence on the other side.

"Harry, are you still there?"

"Yeah, I am," he answers with a deep voice. "What place?"


"Mia, tell me what place you are at," he almost growls and startles me.

"On Bled," I answer a little unsure. "Harry, is something wrong?"

I hear a long exhale. "Sorry, honey. It's nothing. I'm just tired."

Still shaken a little from his previous tone of voice, my brain tells me, that something isn't right. But I put it aside. I don't want to put him in a worse mood.

"Okay then. Listen, I gotta go. I'll return tomorrow night or the day after tomorrow. Love you!"

"Okay, honey. Bye," he replies and ends the call.

My hand stops at my ear. He didn't tell me he loves me. He never did that before. And he called me by my name before. He only calls me that when he's angry. But why?

I put my phone back in my purse and change back into my own clothes, with worries circling in my head.

"Are you finished?" Mark pops his head in. I hang my purse on my shoulder and join him.

"Are we going?"

Mark nods but then grabs my hand. "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing. Just a few small problems with-" I start saying but then stop. Should I tell him about Harry?

"Problems with your boyfriend?" Mark finishes my sentence and smiles sadly. "I saw you that day in front of the building."

I grow quiet. So he knows about him.

"Don't worry. It's nothing serious. Before I know it, it'll be over," I try to comfort myself and gently remove his hand. 

"Let's continue. What else did you have planned?" I ask and smile.

Mark still looks at me concerned, but then smiles as well.

"Okay, just follow my lead."

I nod. I'll deal with Harry when I come back home. Until then I'll give into the relaxation. This trip with Mark isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

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