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"Jinyoung what did you say your last name was again?"

The ghost is currently floating around the living room aimlessly, tracing the bumps on the ceiling with his fingers.
"Jinyoung Park...hmmm" Jackson's face shows a look of recognition and confusion, Jinyoung catches onto this and floats down to where he's sitting on the sofa.
"What about it?"
"I swear I've heard that name before..."

Jinyoung simply shrugs his shoulders and walks over to the kitchen.
"I can't help you with that one, you know I can't remember anything. Anyway, do you want a drink?"
"Green tea please and I know but I've heard that name before. It's like..."
"It's like what?" Jinyoung questions, pouring water into the kettle and flicking the switch so it begins to boil.
"It's like I knew you, but I didn't really know you..."
"Hmmm, that's odd..."

The house falls silent for a while, only the sound of the kettle boiling and the echo of Jackson's foot hitting the floor can be heard. A click sounds out, indicating that the water is properly boiled so Jinyoung pours the water into the cup with the green tea bag in it. He gives the cup a stir before walking back to the living room where Jackson is sat, still tapping his foot.

"That's really gonna bug me now..."
Jinyoung laughs a little, passing the tea to Jackson.
"Then ask someone about it. Maybe someone else knows me..."
"I guess, I'll try."

They sit in a comfortable silence once again, Jackson taking small sips from his tea.

It's all well and good until the doorbell rings, causing Jinyoung to flail his arms in the air in shock before disappearing into the air. Jackson yelps as the hot liquid touches his arm, scolding his skin as it does.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." He mutters as he runs over to the kitchen. Frantically, he switches the cold tap on and holds him arm under it for a while.

Until the doorbell rings again.

"Hang on I'm coming!"

He groans as he removes his arm from under the water and quickly runs towards the door. He grabs the handle and swing the door open, coughing slightly when he sees who's there.

"Hey Jackson, long time no see!" The blond boy scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, a grin spreading across his face.

A/N I'm so sorry I didn't update for ages, I've been so caught up in school work I never got the time to write but I have a holiday coming up soon so I should hopefully be updating more during that!!!!!

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