His Birthday

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You had set your alarm 30 minutes early today than any other day. This was because today was Dean's 32nd birthday and for the first time in a long time, neither of you were on the road.

Sluggishly standing up, carefully lifting the blanket up and letting the cold air hit your legs, you began to tiptoe down the carpeted stairs and made your way to the kitchen. You turned on the light and set it to the dimmest setting so that Dean wouldn't notice if he suddenly woke up and came into the hallway, the light shining from the kitchen. You knew you only had 30 minutes so you had to work quickly.

You opened the fridge to get all the ingredients out to make the pancakes when a plastic bottle of orange juice fell on the floor, making a loud bang.

"Shit" you whispered to yourself as you prayed it wasn't loud enough for Dean to hear upstairs. You quickly and quietly carried on making a small stack of pancakes for Dean and you.

After about 20 minutes of making pancakes, you finally plated an even amount on two plates, poured orange juice into two cups and put them both on one big tray.

"He better like this!!" you whisper to yourself whilst chuckling to yourself as you carried the tray upstairs to your shared room. You put the tray down on to the thick bannister whilst you opened the white door that leads into your bedroom.

As you opened the door, the beeping sound of his phone alarm began going off. Groaning and turning over he slammed his finger down on to the phone, to silence the alarm.

"Morning baby! Happy Birthday!!" You excitedly yet quietly said. He started to smile as he rubbed his tired eyes and sat up in the bed.

"Wow... thank you, babe!" He chuckled in his husky morning voice as he tucked into his pancakes.

As you finished your pancakes together, you began to get out of bed to get ready for the day, when he wrapped his arm around your waist and whispered in your ear "can we just stay here for the day? or for a little while at least?".

You sighed and turned around to be faced with his puppy dog eyes.

"Lemme think about it... NOPE!" you laughed and kissed his cheek as you carried on getting up and getting ready.

"Whyyyyyy?" he whined as he watched you walk away.

You tapped your nose as you got ready for a day full of fun surprises all for Dean.


Both you and Seth had the next few weeks off due to his injury and you taking time off to look after him. It was an early Sunday morning and Seth had just left for his physiotherapy for his shoulder. It was his birthday today and you wanted to do something nice for him for when he comes home.

You packed your bags and you packed his bags and left him a small note on the edge of the bed that read:

Hey Birthday Boy!

Grab your bags and meet me in the front yard, then we shall begin our adventure :)

You waited patiently in the front yard with your bag fully packed, whilst you waited for Seth to get home.

An hour or so later, the front door opened to reveal a happy and bubbly Seth.

"BABE I'M HOME!!!" He shouted around the house since you were nowhere to be seen.

"GO UPSTAIRS BABE AND LOOK ON THE BED!" You shouted back at him as he trotted up the stairs.

He ran upstairs and read the note. After smiling to himself, reading the note, he grabbed his already packed bag that was sitting beside the note and ran downstairs and to the front yard.

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