Chapter 7

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  A'at and Ardeth stopped their horses as they approached the tombs and a monstrous scream was heard. Evelyn was strapped to a table trying to get untied as a newly awoken Anck Su Namun was revived. Imhotep had the book of the dead memorized in his head just in case. Evelyn got untied just as Anck Su Namun was about to kill her.

"Come on Bro, you don't have to do this," Rick yelled at Imhotep as he fought off mummy soldiers.

"No, she has to come back so I can kill her and damn her soul for what she did to me and the kingdom," Imhotep growled, "She killed my lovely A'at and pretended it was an accident, I was to marry A'at, have a family but she killed my A'at"

Like A'at, Imhotep was a quick learner and understood how to speak english. "A'at's not dead, Rick found her floating in the sea, she's safe, you can stop this," Evelyn and Jonathan yelled.

"Lies," Imhotep roared.

A'at ran down the tomb halls, following the roaring and shouts. She clutched the book of death and the book of life in her arms. She ran all the way to the sacrifice room and saw Evelyn fighting a mummied Anck Su Namun, Jonathan hiding from Mummy soldiers, and Rick Fighting Imhotep and mummy soldiers. Ardeth ran in a short while. Rick was about to stab Imhotep, even though he couldn't die, "Sa-per (miss)," she called and Ricks blade missed Imhotep by an inch.

"A'at, what are you doing, he's evil," Rick yelled at her.

Anck Su Namun spotted A'at and charged her. A'at through the books to Jonathan, who caught them. Anck Su Namun was about to stab A'at when A'at covered her face and yelled, "N'dah (A spell that summons a protective sheild around the caster)"

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