it happened

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Toy tom: *start taking he's clothes off*

Bon bon: *scared* tom no pls!!!!!!

Toy tom: *throw him to the floor *

Bon bon: *fell and lay on my stomach and slowly getting up*

Toy tom: *take my clothes off one by one and grab bon bon behind and put my tongue inside he's butt and start licking in*

Bon bon: *feeling it and blush and moan*

Toy tom: *keep licking*

Bon bon: p-please s-stop ahhhhhh

Toy tom: *stop and take my tongue out of he's ass and put my member inside*

Bon bon: ahh!

Toy tom: *goes slowly and bit faster*

Bon bon: *cry bit and scream call for freddy to hear me*

Toy tom: mmmmm~~~ don't figth it *keep going*

Bon bon: *moaning and scream call again*

Toy tom: *goes faster and moaing*

Bon bon: ahhh-ahhhhh

Toy tom: *stop and take it out and trun bon bon around and grab him and pin he's back and put my member inside bon bon again*

bon bon: *crying and moan*

Toy tom: *kiss him and licking he's tongue and stop and goes huder*

Toy tom: *kiss him and licking he's tongue and stop and goes huder*

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Toy tom: ahhhhhhhh~~~~ Bon bon~~~~~

Bon bon: t-too big p-please s-stop ahhhhhh Toy tom

Toy tom: am going to Cum *keep doing*

Bon bon: ahhhhhhhhhhh

Toy tom: *cum* ahhhhhhh!!!!

Bon bon: *Cum* ahhhhhhhhhhh

Toy tom: *take it out and hold it and lay on my back*

Bon bon: *cry bit*

Toy tom: *keep hold you* my little bunny

To be considered

fnaf sister location funtime freddy x bon bon Where stories live. Discover now