part 5 Bon bon and bonnet

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Bonnet: hey bon bon

Bon bon: oh Heya bonnet

Bonnet: so bon bon I really need to tell you something ok

Bon bon: ok what is it

Bonnet: bon bon i....i...i love you bon bon

Bon bon: bonnet... i

Bonnet: *kiss bon bon*

Bon bon: *push bonnet slowly*

Bon bon: bonnet I don't like you i need to tell you something

Bonnet: huh!?!?!

Bon bon: bonnet am gay

Bonnet: w-w-what!!!

Bon bon: i don't like you i love funtime freddy ok

Bonnet: ....

Bon bon: am so sorry bonnet

Bonnet: *hit bonnie bon on the face* no your not gay!!!!!

Bon bon: ow ow ow

Bonnet: *grad bon bon ears* your not gay bon bon

Bon bon: ow Bonnet get me go and yes am gay Bonnet

Bonnet: *grad bon bon face and rip it off*

Bon bon: ahhhhhhhhhhh

Bonnet: your not gay bon bon your think your gay

Bon bon: *start to crying*

*Funtime foxy walk into the room and saw bon bon crying and bonnet had bon bon face*

Funtime foxy: omg *running to bon bon and grab him* bonnet look what you did

Bonnet: grrrrrrrrrrr whatever *walk away*

Funtime foxy: is ok Bon bon funtime freddy goingto fix you ok *hug bon bon*

To be considered

What do you think will happen tell me ok bye

fnaf sister location funtime freddy x bon bon Where stories live. Discover now