><Main Street Attack>< v^Part 6^v

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Zach, Gray and Charlie would run into Main Street, seeing people just getting attacked by Pterodactyls and Dimorphodons. Charlie would see Claire and Owen, who was actually his father. "DAD!" Charlie said running, but a Dimorphodon flew into Charlie, trying to bite him, Zach got a gun, shooting it, then he threw it up from its tail into the Mosasaurus observatory. 

Charlie got up, but instead of running into a hug, directly into a kiss. "Zach.. My own lovely boyfriend saved my life." Charlie said, still kissing him. We'd turn around looking at Owen and Claire, kissing. "Uhh.. Dad, why are you kissing Claire..?" Charlie said, weirded out.

"Well weren't you kissing Zach back there-" Claire was interrupted, when Owen ran to give Charlie a hug. "You will never leave my sight.. ever again." Owen said, looking serious. "I'm not 5 Dad, I can take care of myself and I can take care of Zach.. and Gray." Charlie said, walking back to Zach. "And I am never leaving them." 

More people would be getting picked up by the birds, throwing them in the Mosasaurus infested lake, then suddenly the Mosasaurus jumped up, devouring the human and Pterodactyl whole.

"Now... either we get eaten alive or something or we can get into the van and find the raptors." Owen said looking at us. "I call the motorcycle..!" Charlie said, hopping on. "Vans usually get crowded in such a small space.. and it hurts.. so I'm just gonna sit with Charlie..." Zach said, getting on as well.

The van and the motorcycle went off into the forest, looking for the raptors.

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