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Lyric found herself getting used to Ember. They both had a lot in common, they both came from messed up homes.

Ember had lived with her mom while she was fifteen until her stepdad came in the picture, he abused and hurt her until Ember had reached her breaking point and ran away since her mother didn't do anything.

Ember had a knack for having a big mouth and she admits it, but Lyric didn't mind, she needed a friend.

"Ya hungry?" Ember asks, Lyric nods groggily.

"Yeah...and I have an ultrasound to go to."

Omar walked into the room, Ember froze, she glances over her shoulder at Lyric.

"You have my permission to leave. But you'll be using my car." Omar said.

"Can I-" Ember was cut off.

"I have a tracker in my car. So don't try anything stupid Lyric." Omar said.

Lyric nods, she waves Ember goodbye.

"See you."

Ember waves back. "Yeah, see ya."

Lyric followed her father outside, there was a small car, Lyric had already stepped inside.

"Remember what I said. Make one attempt, I will put a bullet in your fucking head." Omar threatens.

Lyric nods. Then she drove ahead.

Soon as she made it to the bridge the car rams forward, Lyric honks the horn.

"The hell are you doing?!!" Lyric yells.

The car behind her rammed itself again. Lyric jerks forward, she looks over her shoulder to see the car purposely ramming itself into the back of the car.

It had to be the Red Cobras.

With another forceful ram, Lyric's head went into the wheel, the front part of her car ramming into the back of someone's SUV.

She screams as they ram into the back of her car once more.

Lyric passes out as glass went all over her.


The last thing Lyric had seen was the blood running down her thighs.


Lyric woke up in a hospital bed, her body felt sore, she sits herself up.

A nurse walks in, her dark grey hair was pinned back in a bun, she checks Lyric's eyes.

"How are you feeling?"

"T-the baby....is it okay?" Lyric asks.

The nurse didn't answer.

"Please tell me that my baby is alive."

"Wait until the doctor comes in." The nurse said before leaving.

Tears stream down Lyric's face. Her life was already painful enough. She tries to move but she gave up midway.

Please....it can't be a miscarriage.

Lyric shook her head.

"Hello Ms. Reid." He says. "Your document says that you're eight weeks pregnant."

"Did my baby make it?" Lyric asks.

"But you're healing-"

"Let's do the ultrasound now." Lyric said.

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