My Past...

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A/N ( All drawings belong to Gretlusky and akirakirai on DeviantArt. Thank you)

As a child.. my life wasn't bad. It was HORRIBLE! When I was 5 years old, I lost my parents. They died in a shooting. It all started off on a sunny,chilly day. My parents and I were walking down the street we lived on. Then out of no where, I heard gun shots from about a mile away. Then three more gun shots. Then a big BOOM! It happened so fast. After that, everything went black. I woke up to see my parents no where in sight. Just a bunch of people laying there, in a pool of blood.

Two months later, I ended up with a nice couple. Or so that's what I thought. After spending a couple weeks with them, they became abusive to me. They would feed me a bagel for breakfast, nothing for lunch, and cold peas, a raw onion, with frozen steak for dinner. They made me walk to school..even on rainy and snowy days. And whenever I did something wrong my ' father ' beated me with a crowbar.

After four years of abuse, I had enough. I was finally ready to face them! So just in case, I packed a couple pair of clothes, shoes, and some food, just in case I was going to leave. I quietly walked down the stairs and went to the living room where they were watching TV. I started to get mad when I saw them laugh at the show they were watching. I turned off the TV not with the remote, but with my mind. They turned around, in shock.

   " How dare you disrespect your parents like that", my step mom scolded me.
    " You guys aren't my PARENTS! ", I yelled at them. " You all are just fakes! I'm done with you guys treating me like crap! "

    " Matthew, teach her a lesson!" He nodded his head and grabbed the crowbar that was next him. He ran to me and swung. I dodged then gave him a clean and hard punch to the nose. He fell back. You could see I have him a good bruise on the face and his nose was bleeding. Then Big mama came charging at me. I just did a swift and clean back kick into her stomach that sent her flying into the wall. ' Dad ' then stood up and said " You will regret you ever did that, kid "

   " I'm not you're kid! " And with that my eyes started to glow red. Blood started to drip from my ear, mouth, nose, and eyes. I then screeched so loud probroly the whole town heard me. The windows shattered and the ground started to shake. Then I felt something. Something coming out of me. Like a..spirit? The spirit came out of me and killed my fake parents. I was glad of that! I ran upstairs, grabbed my backpack, and flew out of the shattered window. At last..I was free!
A/N ( was it? You probroly think it's really bad,don't you? Well anywho, I'll update soon. By see are you never. That's a lie. I'll see you soon.)

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