A girl and her bird

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Honestly I'm not surprised this happened to me...one day your an average day high schooler stressing over juggling grades and your secret super hero life then the next your stuck on some weird swampy planet...IN WHICH I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I AM, but what ever, that's how life is for a hero...I guess.

When I first arrived on this grassy planet I was honestly surprised to see that it was so much like earth, well to a certain extent. I did see a strange looking creature which I would assume to be a native animal. It was slithering on the floor like a snake, but it for sure was not any type of reptile I'd ever seen. I guess you could say it resembled a leaf? Yet it was so sentient...ill probably capture and dissect one later, after all this place seems to be crawling with them. You know surprisingly enough there are some fruit like greens growing here, maybe I shouldn't be surprised...this planet does seem to be covered head to toe in plants, good thing for me that means water. Seeing to how much terrestrial this planet is, there has to be some sort of human like dominate creature. My goal is to survive long enough to find one.

Something thats oddly bothering me is the suns not as bright as the one on earth...hmBut what would I expect from a planet that isnt my own. Planet earth has a huge, yellow, and absolutely beautiful sun that brings power to its whole planet. Not only does it bring energy to my planet but to the surround planets in my solar system. I dont see any other planets around here, but I guess Id have to speak with the native to have a better understanding of their world. So far I can see three moons, and that is extraordinary. Planet earth only has one moon, Ive never seen something so strange, but I have a feeling it will get much stranger as the days go on. I wonder what my family is doing right now, maybe watching movies, eating dinner...No, I know theyre looking for me. Thats my family for you, the strong Cinemas! Weve never been known to give up, especially when it comes to family.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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