The vampire girl and the Wolf boy

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Chapter 1 

I'm not norma; nor ever was i'm your worst Nightmare but also your best friend I'm the darkest serect the personyou thingyou know the one you see in the back of the class not talking the one with dark brown hair.

Harmony Loxet is a medium girl with dark brown hair brown eyes her skirt was dark b lack her top was dark black her shoes,Tight and jacket are dark black and no shes not a goth it because shes a vampire she an outcast the one with no  friends boy seem to run away from her. A letter came through the post she picked it up Dracula's School for the Scarily Smart and Gifted.

She opened the letter slowly and read on

Dear Miss Loxet,

all of the staff at Dracula's School for the Scarily Smart and Gifted are very please to send you this letter of Acceptance you are a very special child please you may you exept this option we are all hoping that you chose this school for futher education on magic, Mythical creuture and you history, If you exept we expect this letter no later than june 23rd.

your sencirly,

Countess Dracula

she turned the page over

   Pupils have to bring:

1 Spellbook

2 medium cualdron

3 cloak with school badge (That sheild is my schools sheild)

3 white shirts 

1 black tie

3 black plieted skirts for girls 

10 pairs of black of socks of tights for girls 

3 pairs of trousers for boys

10 pair of black socks for boys 

A note pad red or black

as many quills as possable.

1 compion or steed (pet or horse)



years 1-10 may not be ou of their dormatries after 10pm or before 5am 

No vanalism

No speaking out of turn

No black magic

No curses wilst back is turned

*time skip*

Harmony read the letter through and through again and again

The vampire girl and the Wolf boy (vampire and werewolf love story)Where stories live. Discover now