Chapter 2 Fangs and Claws

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Harmony walked down the long corridor everybody turned around and looked at her not the mean kind it was more curiousity She walked into a blacked haired boy then two other girls come and help her up taking her into the bathroom "Hey I'm Cholee and thats Meganna,"A light brown haired girl smiled pointing at a blonde one she just knodded "i'm the Vampire,"Meganna said hissing showing her sparkiling white teeth "and i'm the wolf,"Cholee laughed and her eye turned from blue to full dark brown with no it. Harmony smiled "you just walked Jaceson Greyback bad idea Reachle Claw is going out with she will rip you limb from limb if you even look at him and your a vampire thats even worse,"Cholee said Harmony looked at her she had a sort of cheeky glance in her eyes 


"Hello and welcome to Transformation class and if you interupt this class you will be sent to the torture presure,"The black haired woman said then walked over to Haromy "Miss Loxet can you show us how to turn please,"the teacher said with out a question Harmony stood up "She put her arms up then brought them back as black magic came out of her hand ""Noir et sombre, je veux être une chauve-souris!"She shouted her bat form was a black bat with brown eyes her wings where like a heart, "Mr greyback how about you?"The teacher said to the now standin up boy "Garras, dientes y sangre de un lobo que soy de un lobo volveré!"He said placing his paws down on the floor the wolf looked exactly like a wild one but 10xs bigger he was a gourgus dark black clour his eyes looked puppy like it was so pretty

The vampire girl and the Wolf boy (vampire and werewolf love story)Where stories live. Discover now