Chapter 4

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After unpacking my things.I went downstairs and saw my friends in the couch.

"hello guys!" i sat down beside taehyung and jimin oppa.

I was watching tv when suddenly i felt a hand wrapped around my shoulders,i looked at my side and saw taehyung looking at the tv like he didnt do anything.

"uhm...Tae?" he looked at me.


"your hands" i said

"oh sorry" he let go of my shoulders and he blushed

Whats up with him?

Taehyung's POV

Oh my gosh! Why cant i stop myself? i really wanna hug her but calm down dont let her know you have a crush on her taehyung! calm down. I keep blushing!ugh!

stop blushing taehyung! stop!

Lee Ra's POV

"lee ra can i talk to you and your brother" dad and mom said

"okay mom!" me and oppa said in unison.Both of us went on the kitchen with mom and dad

"okay kids me and your mom are going on a business trip for 2 months. i know you can take care of yourselves right?" dad asked

"yes dad" both of us answered

"okay jimin you take care of your younger sister okay? so you know what that means right?your in charge!" mom said

"what mom? hes in charge" i pouted

"yes sweetheart. hes your older brother he will take care of you." mom hugged me.i looked at jimin and he slid his tongue out at me.

"yah!" i rolled my eyes

"jimin top teasing your sister!" mom said,i slid my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes.

"okay you two stop fighting! we dont want you two fighting when we're gone!" dad said

"okay fine!" we looked at eachother and exchanged death glares.

"i just said no fighting or exchanging death glares!" dad said and we looked at him

"sorry!" we both said

"dad mom when will you two leave?" jimin asked

"tomorrow" mom answered and we nodded our heads

"okay remember NO FIGHTING! if you two feel lonely you can take your friends to sleep here" mom said and we nodded our heads

"okay we need to pack our things!"mom and dad went upstairs.

"blee im in charge!" jimin said

"whatevah!" i said and went back to my friends

"guys will you sleep here? dad and mom are going on a business trip! will you stay with me?" i gave them puppy eyes

"of course! yes yes yes"the girls said and i smiled

"hyungs wanna sleep here? mom and dad are going on a business trip" jimin oppa asked kookie oppa and taehyung

"yes yes yes yes yes yes!" the both of them answered

"okay!" jimin oppa clapped his hands

"Lee ra!" i looked at my back it was kookie oppa

"hm?" i asked

"do you have a charger? may i borrow it?" he asked

"wait ill go get it" i said

"okay" he said. I went upstairs and get my charger and gave it to kookie oppa.

"thanks" he said and i nodded

"Lee ra we need to go home to ask our parents and pack our things!" my friends said and i nodded

"okay bye!" i waved my hands

"Lee ra will you come with me to my house? my mom really want to see you again! she missed you" taehyung asked

"ofc for auntie" i said and stepped out of the door with him.

His house is not beside mine anymore :'( We walked for 10 minutes because he told me that he left his car.They are a little rich .

We arrived at their house and we went inside.

"mom" he shouted

"what de- oh gosh! Lee Ra is that you?" she went to me and hugged me

"hello auntie!" i said

"oh i missed you! you changed a lot when you two are kids you would often go here and play pretend with taehyung! i miss you" she let go of me

"i missed you too auntie" i smiled

"mom im going to sleep at their house cuz their parents are going on a business trip" taehyung said

"of course go pack your things" auntie said.Taehyung grabbed my arms and drag me to his room

"wait there okay i just need to pack my things" he said.

"no i want to help" i said

"okay fine"

I started to help him put his things in his backpack.

"where did i put my charger?" he started to check his drawers

I saw a medium box under his clothes in his closet.

"maybe in here!" i grabbed the box and opened it

"noo!!!" he shouted and took the box from me

"why?" i asked

"this is my private things!" he said

"what? maybe your charger is in there! let me check it!" i tried to take the box from him but he raised it up in the air

"yah! i just want to check if your charger is really there" i tip toed and streched my arms up

"no its not in he-" he didnt finish his sentence when we both fell on his bed.

"uh-uh..... Uh ......Sorry" i stood up.This is so embarassing!

"its fine" he said.I just looked at the floor to hide my blushing cheeks

Taehyung's POV

I was finding my charger when suddenly Lee Ra showed me the box! That box is full of secrets and i shouldnt let her know that.

I quickly grabbed the box from her and raised it up in the air.She tip toed and tried all her best just to grab the box but both of us fell on my bed.

My heart! its beating so fast!

When i was still young i always hide in my closet crying because Lee Ra dont like me back!i know crazy right! thats why i keep the box here.

Its really hard to be one sided love!

Lee Ra's POV

After packing taehyung's things we went back home.It was almost night.

"taehyung!" Jimin oppa wrapped his arms around Taehyung

"what is it?" he asked

"where you been?" oppa asked

A/N: hey yow! uhm....I'm struggling a little right now because i really dont know how to continue this! haha,but i will think of something later.I will stay up all night for this hehe. thank you for reading this! please vote and comment❤

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