Accepting Deaths

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Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter series. J.K.Rowling does.

Takes place after the Battle of Hogwarts when everyone are mourning.

The sight you might see on the 2nd May, 1998 would be touching, it can give you an amount of grief you can never imagine, a sorrow that one can never forget, a joy that can never be experienced fully and many more feelings that you can never explain.

There was Andromeda Tonks, who was mourning her daughter and son in law, grieving that the couple could never see their baby grow up and her grandson could never see his parents again.

There were the Weasleys, who were mourning for Fred, who was the other half of George, the mischievous sibling and son, the one who died with a smile on his face that day. The Weasleys, though they were happy that they got their Percy back, had their own regrets. Everyone were crying their hearts out as George stood still, still in shock that his twin had died.

(A small sneak peak into their minds on how they feel)

A/N: Sorry if there is a lack of emotion. Not very good at emotional scenes. Might have ranted too much

Molly: Why does it have to be Fred? Why was it him of all the people? Why was it my son? I never appreciated whatever the two of you did however funny or sensible it was. I feel guilty for never encouraging you to follow your dreams and not supporting the two of you. Guilty for scolding you even though you made everyone laugh. 

I don't think I am strong enough to hold your death. I don't know how George is doing right now. I don't know how the others are coping up. I will never be able to see you wear my Christmas jumper. Never be able to see George without thinking about you. We, I know will never be a complete family without you. Never will you be able to confuse me on who is who. 

But.... I am proud  of my son. How much ever it hurts to see him die..... I am proud that he died for what he believed in. Proud that he gave up his life for the future to be peaceful. My dear Fred......

Arthur: I am proud of you my son. You died peacefully, fighting till your last breath. Fighting for what you believed. But I will always regret not spending time with you and scolding you most of the time even though whatever you did was funny.

I don't know how George is going to cope up. Staying together, inseparable the two of you were. And now, you are gone forever, leaving a large hole in the hearts of everyone that love you. I miss you already....

Bill and Charlie: The only thing I regret is not spending much time with him. Always caught up with work. Why couldn't I visit him more often. Away from the family for a long time and even when we were together, we didn't talk much.

Those days..... how we used to play, carefree, innocent and happy. Dear Fred, you left a huge hole in our heart that can never be filled. We will always miss you, your laugh, your pranks, everything about you. And I know that we will never see the real George again.

Percy: I was an idiot, arrogant git who thought work and rules were important than family. It should've been who died and not Fred. Was it necessary for me to make a joke in a serious situation? All my fault. I wish I had died in his place. Not that I wish to take away his fame and sacrifice. least everyone won't be this broken when I died right? After all I was the one who betrayed them and believed that ministry......

Ginny: One thing I never said to you ever Fred. You were my most favourite brother along with George. You always teased me, made me laugh and cry, all those memories with you is something I would never forget. George is going to be absolutely depressed in the upcoming days without you. I don't know how everyone is going to cope up with your death. 

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