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A/N: This was earlier known as The Return of the Twins but as I had to take down and republish things due to change in email, I decided to join the 2 OS together.

It was 8 years since Fred had died. 15 years since Harley had died. Harry had overcome his twin's death with the help of George and vice versa. The two had married two years after the war and even had two sets of twins, thanks to a pregnancy potion. After the birth of the children, Harry had resigned from his job as an Auror and joined George at the joke shop.

Currently, the twins named Fred Albus and Lily Luna Weasley-Potter, who looked a lot like George, were five years old while the other pair named Harley James and Cedric Sirius Weasley-Potter was four years old, and were a replica of Harry.

Today was May 2nd of 2006, the death anniversary of both Harley Potter and Fred Weasley. Leaving their children at Ron and Hermione's home for the day, Harry and George went to visit the graves of their twins and mourn silently for their loss.

The death of their other halves had taken a very heavy toll on them. One who had died due to extreme torture in front of your eyes is something you can never forget after all. Even the fact that you couldn't be near your twin when he died in a battle was something you can never forgive yourself for.

The couple slowly walked over to the graves of their twins, not realising that their lives will be changed forever on this day. Harry sat down next to the grave that read:

Harley Frank Potter

Born on 31st July 1980

Died on 2nd May 1990

Rest in peace brother. A brave soul who stood up to everyone. You will always be remembered by your loved ones - Harry James Potter.

At the same time, George knelt next to his twin's grave, running a hand over the inscriptions.

Frederick Fabian Weasley

Born on 1st April 1978

Died on 2nd May 1998

Let that smile always be on your face brother. The person who died bravely, fighting for whatever he believed. Everyone will miss you - George Gideon Weasley.

The two of them were just staring at the graves, holding onto each other and crying silently over their losses, not knowing what was happening around them.

Somewhere far away, Fred and Harley were watching the two doing their yearly ritual. This year though there was a surprise for them. The two were all set to go on with their plan. They had got their permission from the respective authorities, who also pitied the brothers and let them go.

Harry and George were staring blankly ahead remembering the times they had with their respective twins, when a loud bang was heard near them, startling them out of their thoughts. They shook their heads and looked around, only to notice the graves of their twins burst open and a hand coming out of each of them.

The two were shocked out of their wits on looking at the hands. 'Is it..... No! It cannot be possible! They are dead. What in Merlin's name is this prank?' They thought as two figures, that looked like their mirror images came out.

"Can anyone explain why the two of us were 6 feet underground?" a man in a child's body asked, causing Harry to take out his wand and pinch himself, wondering if this was a dream. "I would like to know as well brother" said another man, causing George to react like Harry.

"Who are you? Why are you acting like ur brothers?" Harry and George asked in unison. "Do we look like we are playing a prank? I am Fred Weasley and that guy over there is Harley Potter" Fred said , stepping towards his brother and brother-in-law.

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