Chapter One - Nightmare

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P.O.V SunHyul


"Why would I EVER date a nerd like you?!?" Taehyung looked scary, like murderer scary. Suddenly, I felt this sharp pain in my cheek. "Y-You slapped me!?"  I cup my cheek with my hand. He rips up my confession letter. I couldn't take it anymore. I run away with tears in my eyes and with my ripped up confession letter.

~End of nightmare~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. Phew... I was just a dream.. I get up and brush my hair and teeth. Hopefully my nightmare doesn't come true today..


I enter the school and see all my friends in one area. Jieyoo, Mi Na, Tonghae, Kaihu, HiHi, Jae and ZaeZae. They all come rushing towards me like a stampede. Other students were looking at us like we're crazy. "Did you confess yet?!?" Is the first thing I hear. "N-No, not yet.. But, I plan to at the end of the day."


I enter the cafeteria and it's as loud as ever. Fangirls screaming, trying to approach BTS, playing their music, and dancing. The boys just ignored them. How is that possible?!? They can be heard from a mile away!!

Taehyung glances at me and I blush. I run to my usual table and question Kaihu, the big mouth. "I told him to meet you at the fountain at the end of the day." She smirks. "YAH!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT???!?!" I slap her shoulder. "Hehehehe! Sorry though." Kaihu giggles.

Ugh.. I hate that annoying giggle.. It sounds like; HAUHUAHUAHLQHAUDNA. (Holy crap it says DNA!! My keyboard is a ARMYs aswell 😃👌)


I walk to the fountain and see...

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