character description

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Hey guys I just released i did not given any clear description of the characters so this chapter is just gonna be descriptions.I choose to describe my charters and not use photo so veryone can add there now twist on there characters.

Ashlyn Levi Thorne 

Age: 23 years

characteristics :-grey almost silver like eyes.

-long fair hair ( most off the time she wears them in french braids).

- slim and alethic build.

-she hates bossy people.

-is very smart and definitely a know it all .

- extremely stubborn but will putt everything aside fo family.

-good at fighting 9(very strong)and running.

- very creative.

-good at tactics.  .

- loves children and is really good whit them.

height: -almost 6 feet.

mate:she doesn't have one but doesn't want one either..

family:  -parents,brother and sister( deceased ). 

-adoptive mom and brother( deceased). 

best friends: Conner and Travis from her old pack.

rank: Bitten rogue

I will be adding chapters trough the back when meeting new characters. If you have characters you want to now more about please comment.

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