The Beginning

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The beginning of the story is just that, the beginning. Can we be so presumptuous as to believe it is the beginning of our characters journey? The start of the life lived for just the telling of the fable?

No, we can only presume that whatever has happened before was so utterly boring that we don't need to know about it.

However for those of you that do, a brief outline will have to do. Don't say I didn't warn you.

John was born Jonathan William Frank, why he had three first names still to this day remains a mystery. His parents died when he was just three weeks old and with them went the answer to that little puzzle. He was born in a hospital,  funnily enough so are most people. He was,  like many others,  born on the 29th of December 1979 at precisely 3:23pm.

He was raised by his aunt untill the age of 18. He went to a small primary school where he achieved average grades. He had friends, many of whom moved to the same secondary school with him. He again achieved average grades and made a few new friends and as with everything in life,  lost some along the way. To say that nothing special stood out about him would be a tragically accurate assessment. Everyone longs to be special in some way but alas John seemed to excel in being average. He did not hold a position of responsability,  he did not play an instrument,  he could not sing etc etc.

He was fast achieving mediocrity.

His home life was happy and he did not rebel against the man. He was content. He did fall of his bicycle once and cut his arm, which needed four stitches. I only mention this, as well,  to put it frankly,  it's the most interesting thing about his childhood.

I did warn you his earlier life was boring,  so what happened next in his boring, mediocre life came as quite a shock. Funny really how the universe decides that it's going to pick out the boring ones for some rather weird happening. I think that whoever is in charge of it is probably just a little insane and picks on the boring ones to get a better laugh out of them. Whatever the reason and I dare say that whenever we meet the person,  thing, it or whatever in charge, they'll share it with us as it makes them laugh. I am pretty sure if John ever met them he would probably punch them in the face, hard.

We join our mediocre friend when he's just about to find out that he may be utterly insane and delusional which, to be honest,  I must admit i find it quite amusing.

Ultimate cosmic joker 1, John nill. Again.

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