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We join John as he is having his morning cup of tea, why then? Because i'm telling the story and that's where i want to begin.

John has a set routine that he follows every morning.

- Get up

- Shower

- get dressed

- make bed

- fold pajamas

- go to kitchen

- make tea

- have corn flakes for breakfast

- wash up

- leave for work. 

As you can see he likes his life ordered and without surprises. so when something is out of the ordinary he notices immediately. This morning things are not ordinary, John is currently sitting at the table sipping his tea staring at the ceiling. Why is he staring at the ceiling i hear you ask? Because he thinks that if he looks at the ceiling long enough, the little pixie that's sitting on the box of corn flakes in front on him will disappear. John is also wondering what illness he must have contracted from the local bus. I can tell you dear readers that the pixie in front of John is infact real, John is not hallucinating, neither is he ill, he is in fact perfectly fine. The reason he can see the little pixie on the corn flakes box is that the person,  thing, it or whatever in charge, has decided that John is his new toy and that it would be funny if he could now see, hear and interact with all the little creatures that inhabit this world with the human race. That includes the creatures that exist just outside the physical realm, the ones that sometimes you can see out of the corner of your eye as a shadow or shape moving really fast.

Now at this point i am going to explain sometihing about pixies. They hate to be ignored. So what John is doing is really starting to annoy the pixie sitting on the corn flakes box. As such the little pixie hopped off the corn flakes box, landing one foot in John's abandoned cereal and grabbed him by the ears, pulling his face very close. 

"I kow you can see me, I don't like being ignored dude!"

There were a few things going through John's mind right about now. 

One, Fear

Two, Oh My God my imagination is physically manifesting

Three, What is this thing?

Four, This hurts

Five, I need a doctor

Six, His breath smells bad

Unfortunately John's brain decided that this situation required two responses from the items in his head and promptly replied.

"What thing are you? Your breath smells bad."

Now that really isn't the correct thing to say to a pixie, especially one you've just met. I dare say that John deserved what happened next for being so rude.

The little pixie head butted John, took a small step backwards, picked up the cereal filled bowl and prompty tipped it over his head. The little pixie then picked up Johns phone and dropped it into his cup of tea. Hopping back onto the cereal box he looked at John with a rather satisfied grin.

"What did you do that for? " said an stunned John.

"You were rude. " he stated simply.

To be fair on John there was not a lot that he could say in response to that statement. Even he admitted that his statement was a little rude. John's brain however was not admitting any responsibility whatsoever and decided to ignore any requests from John's consciousness. So there he was dripping milk onto the carpet,  staring at a little pixie sitting on the corn flakes box, tea cup with phone in his hand, mouth agape staring while his consciousness and brain did battle for control. I am unsure if his consciousness knew this was a completely futile process as everyone knows a consciousness cannot operate a brain. That's the brains job. Even so there they were for the next twenty minutes. It would have gone on longer had the brain not receive a signal from the bladder warning it of an immediate release.

John got up off the chair,  put the cup down and went to the bathroom.  When he came back, he had changed his clothes and washed his hair. He walked straight past the table, picked up his jacket and keys and left through the front door.

He did not go to the office that day,  instead he spent two hours at the doctors surgery then a further eight hours in the emergency department at the ocean hospital, convinced he was insane.

I will not go into detail of what happened, not because I'm scared of hospitals but because I'm not that interested,  everyone knows what happens when you go for tests so we'll just leave it at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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