Chapter 1

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Creeping through the darkness, crisp leaves crunched under my boots.

Like rays from an angel the moon shone brightly in the night sky as I approached two rusty gates daring me to go through. As the demonic gates creaked, crawling open, I entered the sinister grounds.

Tall baleful trees towered over my small frame, trapping me in. Swaying to the rhythm of the howling wind the trees glared at me, watching my every move. The fog was a thick blanket of blindness and suffocation smothering my body.

Sickening silence surrounded me filling me with fear as I breathed in the malodorous smell of death that lingered in the air.

Shivers ran down my spine as I stared at the giant malevolent house before me.

What have I done?

"It's too late to turn back now.", I muttered to myself.


To make this story feel a little bit longer- or at least look it- each chapter is one paragraph split up by gaps. Also, i would like to point out that normally i wouldn't use this many English language techniques but since it was an exam it's cram packed with them.

Thank you so much for reading my loves i hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment Xx

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