Bike Attack

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Zaria didn't know what hit her.

She was trying to take a break from that life, speeding along the bike trail with her laughing, carefree, normal friends. This is where she truly felt at home, where she belonged.

The wheels crunching on the gravel was therapeutic; she savored each breath of the clean, green air. The open woods on either side of her whispered their contentment as the wind lifted her hair and held it behind her like a long, tangled cape. The wartorn lands of Vodanya could not compare. She did not miss it.

Then they were riding uphill, the climb growing steeper with each pump of the pedals. Zaria's thighs protested, reminding her of the intense training that they still haven't recovered from. She ignored them and kept pumping.

Marky whooped as he flew down the other side of the hill ahead of her. Just a few more pumps and it would be her turn.

She didn't even hesitate. If there's one thing these past few months have taught her, it's to trust in her own abilities and stare down certain death. The moment her front wheel tilted downward, she relaxed her thighs and gripped the handlebars tighter, preparing for the thrill.

"Whoooop!" She sped down faster and faster, feeling more and more alive as the wind split and screamed against her face and gravel flew in every direction.

Then her entire bike pitched to the left and she catapulted off, tumbling down the side of the tall hill. She kept tumbling and tumbling, seemingly hitting every single fresh bruise and scrape on the way down. Zaria didn't get the chance to process anything until she landed in a heap at the bottom a lifetime later.

Disoriented, she began to pull herself up. Her bike exploded into view and she jerked her arms in front of her face, cringing as it bounced off of her. It knocked her down again and landed awkwardly next to her when she weakly pushed it away. Its front wheel slowly spun as if the bike were just as disoriented as her.

Zaria took a shaky breath and looked up towards the tall, grassy hill. Immediately she noticed the cloaked figure stalking towards her. He was almost caught up to her.

She desperately crawled back, real fear shuddering through her body. "What do you want?"

The man easily caught up to her. He stopped at her feet and lifted his hands. Her breath caught in her throat. She desperately looked around, trying to find water, objects, something to defend herself with. But he pushed his hands towards her and she was immediately pinned to the ground with a dense pocket of air.

She struggled against it. "Dammit! What do you want?"

"Why did you abandon us?" He spoke Vodanyan.

Zaria stopped and peered up at him. She knew that voice. "Mentor?"

Yuchit released her and lifted his hood down.  "Why did you abandon us?" he asked again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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