Poem: Messenger

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      In morning dew the sparrow sings,

"To ash or cloud we lift our wings,

To perish or to merry make,

The Just strike thrice,

So non the bell toll take its place." 

     Lonely 'long the mountain trail,

A travelers pair raise hand in hail,

"To naught or all we venture far,

A fortune sweet to claim as ours.

And hope for honest work be lo,

In lieu our luck not be so."

     The eve of day break soft and clear,

A mother speaks in children's ear,

"For naught but loving tender sweet,

We fam'ly three care not to shrink,

So wait in comfort of our arms,

So that our love protects from harm."

     To ash or cloud we lift our wings,

In hope that work for better things,

Denies the fall of merry breathe,

Into the arms of sneering Death.

The just arm strikes,

And never falters,

Thrice it strikes,

So non the bell tolls asunder.

     In night so cool, a sparrow sings,

"To dawn or dusk we fold our wings,

And dream of hope and best intentions,

The prize of work that someday mentions

Left alone by lonely streams,

The Just struck thrice to save Kings and Queens.

     And Ventures risks yield better Dreams.

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