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Sanji kicked another yakuza member down. At this point, he had lost count of how many he had gone through. Zoro, on the other hand, barely even paid attention to that sort of thing. He simply enjoyed each opponent he faced with a grin.

"Oi marimo, hurry up," Sanji said once he kicked down his last opponent, lighting a cigarette.

"Shut up, shitty cook," Zoro growled back, grabbing his swords and sheathing them."I had more enemies than you."

"I see," Sanji said in mock understanding, taking a drag from his cigarette.

Zoro's eyebrow twitched."Have something you want to say?" He asked menacingly, grabbing onto the collar of Sanji's shirt.

Sanji blew smoke in Zoro's face, making him cough and back away with a scowl. Sanji smirked back."We're almost done looking around, lets hurry up and finish the rest of the rooms so I can make dinner."

Zoro nodded back."Yeah, I'm getting hungry."

Moving onto the next room, without a bit of caution, Sanji kicked the door open and took one last blow of his cigarette before crushing it on the floor."After you," he mocked, holding a hand out for Zoro and bowing slightly.

"To scared to go in first?" Zoro mocked back with a smile, stepping inside."Fine by me."

Sanji refused to answer, instead looking around for enemies. The dust from the door was still clearing but from what he saw there was a bunch of crates, like a small storage shed. When the dust cleared, he noticed three figures in the middle of the room. One looked to be tied up, another had a knife under the throat of said man, and the third pointed a gun at them. The two holding weapons looked to be shaking, definitely yakuza.

"What the hell?" Zoro mumbled unintelligibly.

"Don't move or we'll kill him!" The man holding the gun said, hands shaking the whole time.

"Eh?" Sanji then spoke, honestly not understanding the situation they were in. Did these yakuza think that they were after this guy they had captured? No, they were after another guy with blond hair, scruffy...wait...

"Marimo, do you still have that picture our client gave us?" Sanji asked Zoro, staring deeply at the mans features. Was it him? No, it couldn't be...

"Huh? Why the hell do you need that?" Zoro asked back with a scowl."It won't smell like her if that's what your thinking."

"Just give it!" Sanji said back, holding out his hand. Zoro handed him the picture and he looked at it. No way, it was him.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" One of the yakuza asked.

"We'll kill him for real!" The other yelled.

Sanji ushered Zoro over to him, showing him the picture and then pointing to the man tied up."It's him, right?"

"Wow, you're right, I didn't notice," Zoro said, shocked."He looks like an old man now compared to the photo."

"Hey, do you want me to shoot?!"

"I know! I was surprised myself," Sanji replied."Anyways, it's a good thing we found him so soon. Now we have money spend."

"Are you listening?!"

"You better buy top class maguro for tonight." Zoro smirked, unsheathing one of his swords.

"Sure," Sanji responded, holding his leg up."I'm feeling good tonight."

They knocked out the two yakuza almost instantly, then turning over to look at the man who was tied up. They both had grins on their faces.

"Who are you guys?" he asked, struggling to get out of the ropes binding him.


"Detectives," Zoro responded, using his swords to cut the ropes around the man.

"Well, I don't know who sent you, but I didn't need any help. I had something I needed to do here," the man said rudely, stretching his arms over his head."Thank you anyways."

Sanji felt his eyebrow twitch and attempted to keep his anger at bay."Well, this was our clients request so complain to them."

"Ungrateful," Zoro mumbled, earning a kick from Sanji.

"Who hired you?" The man asked, moving past the broken door and into the archway.

"A truly beautiful lady with long, blonde hair as beautiful as the sun. I never caught her name but-"

"Her, huh," the man cut in."Thank you."

The man started to leave."Hey, where are you going?!" Sanji called to him, moving and grabbing onto his shoulder."We need to bring you back."

"I have to go report my situation to my boss, so tell her yourself," he said back, brushing Sanji's hand off him.

"You're yakuza too?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah." The man didn't even try and deny it.

"Anyways," Sanji started."At least call her. Stay in contact. You shouldn't have those close to you always worrying about where you are."

"I will, don't worry," he said back, exiting the warehouse.

Sanji looked to Zoro, ready to leave until he saw the look on Zoro's face. That wasn't something he saw often.

"'Stay in contact'?" He asked, as if it was some type of curse.

"Yeah." Sanji smiled back.

"You're an idiot."


"Oi, marimo! Where are you going?" Sanji shouted from the kitchen, moving to look at Zoro who readied himself by the front door.

"Out," the swordsman simply responded, further irking Sanji.

"Tell me before you decide to leave!" Sanji said with a pout."We're partners, aren't we? We need to stay in contact at all times, especially since you like to wander off all the time."

Zoro huffed."It's boring here."

Sanji suddenly just paused. Boring? Was it him or the job? What was Zoro so unsatisfied with?

"I'm leaving," Zoro said, opening the door.

Sanji slammed it shut, shocking Zoro."If it's entertainment you want, I can give you all the thrill you desire." Zoro pushed back, eyeing Sanji oddly."What is it you want? A drinking buddy? A sparing partner?"

"Stop," Zoro said with a scowl."I don't want anything from you."

"If you say so," Sanji huffed, pushing his hand off the door."But remember, I'll always be right here, waiting for you."

Zoro eyed him, opening the door. He said nothing as he slammed it behind him.

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