Chapter four: Touring

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~Two weeks later~

Emilys P.O.V.

I was all sooted and botted uueegh why did I just say that? any way I was ready to go on tour I went to starbucks to meet the rest of the guys I walked down with my two huge suit case I saw the guys and rushed in they where sitting with Chris, Balz and Angelo. Ricky,Devin and Ryan were ordering for themself as soon as Chris and Balz saw me they stop talking and just looked at me I found it wierd at first but I just ignored it and said hi then sat down next to Dan and Sam (the lead singer) they had there coffee i didnt have any I wasn't that firsty. We went to our bus and set off to the first venue in Glasgow

Chris's P.O.V.

We were all talking untill Emily showed up I turned around to see the most beautiful sight I have ever seen she looked so perfect her hair wasn't straightend to day it was naturaly wavy she really suited it she looked stuning WAITTTTTTTTT CHRIS YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND FOR FUCK SAKE STOP FALLING FOR HER YOU LOVE SARAH SHE'S GOING TO BE COMING ON TOUR WITH YOU ON THE SECOND WEEK YOU HAVE TO STOP FALLING FOR EMILY YOU LOVE SARAH YOU LOVE SARAH!!!!!! I'm so confused about who I love I mean I love Sarah but she's never made me speechless with something she's worn OMG I think oi'm starting to love her more than I love Sarah

Balz's P.O.V.

WOW JUST WOW I was speechless she looked so fucking beautiful with her hair wavy I think thats her natural hair me and Chris were speechless as we saw her I never knew someone could be so god damb amazing and sexy I've only met her twice and I've already fallen for her. I think she noticed that me and Chris where looking at her and were speechless by her apperance she just ignored it she's probably use to men being speechless when she walks into a room

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