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It was a sunny bright day as Y/n got up to get ready. She placed her loose hair into a bun before craning her neck to see the small angel sleeping in the blanket next to her. Leaning towards the little girl she kissed her forehead. 

The heat the baby was radiating made her back away. She touched her lips before touching Jinae's soft skin. It was burning. 

Scared, Y/n quickly placed pillow around the baby before calling her mother. 

"Eomma!" An elderly looking women came outside her room when she heard her daughter. Her face turned into a frown when she saw Y/n's face. She got scared. 

"What happened love?" The mother shook her body before ruffling her hair. "Jinae is sick. I think she has fever. "


They both walked together towards the room. Y/n's mother quickly went to her granddaughter. Her eyes showing worried.

"She was okay yesterday. What happened?" 

Y/n shrugged before sitting on the edge of the bed. It was the first time her daughter ever got sick. Y/n knew she was over-reacting but her mind was going all over the place.  

"Eomma, I am going to take her to the hospital. " Y/n informed her mother before standing up to get ready. Before she could do anything, the lady stopped her. 

"You might have to go the hospital in Seoul."


"Y/n, they have all the files of Jinae. The doctors here will take a lot of time to do all the things. They won't prescribe you until they have everything so just go their for a check up. Also Just stay there until she recovers." Y/n sighed before her eyes went to her small angel who was breathing heavily. How did she not notice it?

She was angry at herself for not being a good mother. Nodding her head she picked up the small baby. Her tears streamed down when she felt her small fingers. 

"It's okay. You will feel like this since she is your first baby." The old lady wipes her daughters tears before she pats her head.

"Get ready first." 

"hmm" Mrs Kim took the baby in her hands as she goes outside the room.


Jisoo smirks as she slides her hand on his thick thighs. She rubbed her hand before it got slapped away. Jungkook frustratingly got up. 

"Jisoo! Please I am doing work leave my office right now." The girl shook her head with the never leaving smirk.

"Why? you are my soon to be husband. I have the right to touch you." The man was already stressed. He felt sick even before coming to the office. His head was hurting but this annoying person didn't wanted to leave. 

"Please Jisoo. Just leave. I don't have time for your shit." Ignoring his words she pushed him to the wall. Before he could say a word. Her soft lips were already fixed on his. She turned her head to deepen the kiss but his hand pushed her away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" he yelled at the girl before he wiped his lips so many times. TAking long steps towards her he pushed her. The girl landed on the couch but his eyes suddenly became blurry. 

He pulled through his hair before moaning in pain.

It hurts.

After few seconds everything went black. 



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